Oh, To Be Captured By Pirates!!

And then there was the famous Pirate Movie. I have a vivid memory of watching some old black-and-white pirate movie when I was Younger. I don't know the name of it, I wish I did, I think it was some sort of breakthrough experience for me. The pirates had captured a beautiful aristocratic young woman and locked her in chains and she was going to be either held for ransom or else sold into slavery by the devilishly handsome pirate captain, and in the meantime she was his captive and completely at his mercy and she was bravely facing The Fate Worse Than Death: Sex! And I was absolutely riveted: OH MY GOD SHE IS SO LUCKY I WANT TO BE HER! I said to myself. PLEASE GOD LET ME GROW UP TO BE HER THAT'S ME IN THOSE CHAINS PLEASE!

I love the whole Fantasy aspect of movies...
It Drives my Imagination!!

So Girls and Boys, Masters and Subs, Where did you get your experiences From...
just wondering because mine where always from movies...

“The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.”
Arrrrrrrrr....makes me want to get out me eye patch and peg leg!!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Alright. Skeleton out of the closet time. Really, I GENERALLY RARELY read romance novels, I don't. I tend towards heavier reading fare.

BUT, there is the Skye O'Malley series written by Bertrice Small that is just fantastic. Gosh, I've read those books for years off and on.

Skye is born of pirate father. Beautiful and smart. You know, standard romance stuff. Lot's of hardcore sex. Great. But there is often a pirate theme throughout.

Really hot.

But about 12 years or so, I was in Belize for a few weeks and actually ran into some pirates. Not that sexy even though they were mostly boys to me. Bleached out hair, great bodies but very hard. The woman that I drank with for a few days was certainly just "something". We're getting slammed in a bar on one of the cayes and we're speaking about how Belize was (guess it still is) a free port and I finally said, "Are you a fucking pirate?". She just laughed.

The ship was just sortof a floating garage sale for lack of a better way to put it.

Still, she was fascinating. The men around us thought so, too. She played the part. But the few guys on deck? They wouldn't talk or even look much in our direction. It was a little strange. I still have the visual even after all of these years.

So although I would love to be tied up on a plank and have Johnny Depp ravish me (crap, did I just WRITE that?) or really, I'm easy. Any pirate would do, pretty much.

Reality sets in during the daylight and I think to myself that this is just another weird pervy thing that I think up at times.

Wow ... sorry for such a thread drift!

Seems an appropriate time for my only pirate joke:

Q: Where are your buccaneers?

A: Under my buckin' hat! Arrrrrrr.
I love Johnny Dept I am right there with you!!!
Arrrrrgh, Maties!!

Bring the Wench belowdecks!

I will show her my belaying pin!

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
While I was looking up the term "peg boys", which I don't think that we should probably discuss here, I ran across this article by "The Straight Dope", Cecil Adams. I love his columns!

Here's an excerpt:

That’s not to say sailors spent all their time singing sea chanteys and tying knots. As in any environment in which males live in close quarters for extended periods (prison and boarding school are the other well-known venues in this respect), both consensual and nonconsensual homosexual behavior did and doubtless does occur aboard ships — see for example Barry Burg’s Sodomy and the Pirate Tradition (1995), which lends vivid new meaning to such expressions as “shiver me timbers” and “thar she blows.” Sodomy, incidentally, wasn’t clearly defined in English law but at minimum included anal intercourse between men (authorities differed on whether anal sex with a woman counted) and in some interpretations bestiality, necrophilia, and fellatio.

More pertinent to our subject is Arthur Gilbert’s “Buggery and the British Navy, 1700-1861,” Journal of Social History, 1976. Gilbert suggests there’s some basis to the belief that the Royal Navy’s traditions consisted of “rum, sodomy, and the lash” (a witticism often misattributed to Winston Churchill). While conceding that “it is impossible to judge the incidence of buggery in the military,” he goes on to quote one British officer as follows: “I have been stationed, as you know, in two or three ships … On the D—, homosexuality was rife, and one could see with his own eyes how it was going on between officers. I have been told that in some services (the Austrian and French, for instance), nobody ever remarks about it, taking such a thing as a natural proceeding: that may be so or not; but in any case, nobody was ‘shocked’ on board either the A— or the B—. There were half a dozen ties that we knew about … To my knowledge, sodomy is a regular thing on ships that go on long cruises.”

Still, Gilbert suggests, common is one thing, brazen is another. British naval buggery, however prevalent, was necessarily discreet: sodomy was officially considered a grave offense, and punishment was harsh. Buggery “comyttid with mankynde or beaste” was first made a capital crime by Henry VIII in 1533; naval buggery was specifically made a hanging offense in 1627. In 1806 there were more hangings in England for sodomy than for murder. Punishment could be brutal even if you escaped the noose. A sailor convicted in 1757 of raping a boy received 500 lashes; in 1762 two seamen received 1,000 lashes each for consensual sex. That was an extreme case, but average lash counts for morals offenses were often double those for mutiny and desertion. Merely attempting sodomy might get you “lashed around the fleet” (i.e., taken from ship to ship and whipped on each) and drummed out of the service. Officers weren’t exempt: Captain Henry Allen of the sloop Rattler was executed for sodomy in 1797, and Lieutenant William Berry was hanged in 1807 for buggering a (deleted text. use your imagination. ew).

Conclusion: Whatever may have gone on beneath the poop deck, sex with (deleted) at sea was never openly tolerated in the Royal Navy, let alone made a fixture of the officers’ mess.

Eventually attitudes softened. Though sodomy remained a capital crime until 1861, the last British naval execution for the offense was in 1829, the last in the UK itself in 1835. After that, until legalization in 1967, the act was punishable by ten years to life. In short, to borrow from George Carlin, those convicted of sodomy were sent to prison where, in all likelihood, they were sodomized.

Learn something new everyday!

SlowHand49's Avatar
Suddenly I find myself wondering what some of those pirates really did with those peg legs . . .
awl4knot's Avatar
When I was in college John Barth's "The Sotweed Factor" was required reading in a history course. I have a dim recollection of a pirate rape scene where a bunch of whores, being exiled to the colonies, are bound to the side rail, asses up so that the conquering pirates could claim their bounty booty. I think it was supposed to be a comic scene.

I wonder if the novel is still on the professor's reading list. The guy won a Pulitzer Prize a few years after I graduated, but I would think that even the most avid proponent of academic freedom would think twice about using a novel that jokes about rape.
houston_switch's Avatar
Where does E come up with all her knowledge... amazing!
Arrrrrgh, Maties!!

Bring the Wench belowdecks!

I will show her my belaying pin!

PPE Originally Posted by PurplePussyEater
I love the word wench!
While I was looking up the term "peg boys", which I don't think that we should probably discuss here, I ran across this article by "The Straight Dope", Cecil Adams. I love his columns!

Here's an excerpt:

That’s not to say sailors spent all their time singing sea chanteys and tying knots. As in any environment in which males live in close quarters for extended periods (prison and boarding school are the other well-known venues in this respect), both consensual and nonconsensual homosexual behavior did and doubtless does occur aboard ships — see for example Barry Burg’s Sodomy and the Pirate Tradition (1995), which lends vivid new meaning to such expressions as “shiver me timbers” and “thar she blows.” Sodomy, incidentally, wasn’t clearly defined in English law but at minimum included anal intercourse between men (authorities differed on whether anal sex with a woman counted) and in some interpretations bestiality, necrophilia, and fellatio.

More pertinent to our subject is Arthur Gilbert’s “Buggery and the British Navy, 1700-1861,” Journal of Social History, 1976. Gilbert suggests there’s some basis to the belief that the Royal Navy’s traditions consisted of “rum, sodomy, and the lash” (a witticism often misattributed to Winston Churchill). While conceding that “it is impossible to judge the incidence of buggery in the military,” he goes on to quote one British officer as follows: “I have been stationed, as you know, in two or three ships … On the D—, homosexuality was rife, and one could see with his own eyes how it was going on between officers. I have been told that in some services (the Austrian and French, for instance), nobody ever remarks about it, taking such a thing as a natural proceeding: that may be so or not; but in any case, nobody was ‘shocked’ on board either the A— or the B—. There were half a dozen ties that we knew about … To my knowledge, sodomy is a regular thing on ships that go on long cruises.”

Still, Gilbert suggests, common is one thing, brazen is another. British naval buggery, however prevalent, was necessarily discreet: sodomy was officially considered a grave offense, and punishment was harsh. Buggery “comyttid with mankynde or beaste” was first made a capital crime by Henry VIII in 1533; naval buggery was specifically made a hanging offense in 1627. In 1806 there were more hangings in England for sodomy than for murder. Punishment could be brutal even if you escaped the noose. A sailor convicted in 1757 of raping a boy received 500 lashes; in 1762 two seamen received 1,000 lashes each for consensual sex. That was an extreme case, but average lash counts for morals offenses were often double those for mutiny and desertion. Merely attempting sodomy might get you “lashed around the fleet” (i.e., taken from ship to ship and whipped on each) and drummed out of the service. Officers weren’t exempt: Captain Henry Allen of the sloop Rattler was executed for sodomy in 1797, and Lieutenant William Berry was hanged in 1807 for buggering a (deleted text. use your imagination. ew).

Conclusion: Whatever may have gone on beneath the poop deck, sex with (deleted) at sea was never openly tolerated in the Royal Navy, let alone made a fixture of the officers’ mess.

Eventually attitudes softened. Though sodomy remained a capital crime until 1861, the last British naval execution for the offense was in 1829, the last in the UK itself in 1835. After that, until legalization in 1967, the act was punishable by ten years to life. In short, to borrow from George Carlin, those convicted of sodomy were sent to prison where, in all likelihood, they were sodomized.

Learn something new everyday!

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

You just killed my lifelong fantasy of becoming a pirate. I wont ever be able to think of it in the same context. Sh-t
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
You just killed my lifelong fantasy of becoming a pirate. I wont ever be able to think of it in the same context. Sh-t Originally Posted by Mr. Nasty
I apologize. I, sadly, do that to people sometimes. An old boyfriend of mine used to say that I could fuck up a wet dream.

Gryphon's Avatar
I apologize. I, sadly, do that to people sometimes. An old boyfriend of mine used to say that I could fuck up a wet dream.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
On the contrary, a woman with that much knowledge is incredibly hot! But it puts a whole new spin on the Horatio Hornblower books...