More and More of What We Do Depends on Government Permission

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Do you have permit for that? If you want to keep that permit, you'd better do as you're told.

Rub those officials the wrong way and they'll strip you of permission to travel the roads, leave the country, or even make a living.

That's not a recipe for a free country.

ok, not sure about the first part, but I thought you couldn't prevent a person from making a living based on a court ruling that I read about.

the part that's new is that the govt. can prevent you from returning from another country by invalidating your passport if you were delinquent on or didn't pay taxes.

prior to 1940, passports were not required for overseas travel. interesting. are passports really necessary?

has the court ruling on preventing a person from making a living get thrown out the window?

are we being enslaved by bureaucratic fiat?
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ That's why we cant let anyone for any reason change the BILL OF RIGHTS( the "god given rights) ( first 10 admen)
Yssup Rider's Avatar
When was the last time you traveled out of hubbettsville, BONE. COLLECTOR?

Your premise is ridiculous. And your argument presents a 180from Twitler’s policies.

Change the bill or rights? GOD given rights? Might you be confused with the 10 commandments? You know the ones that Twitler shits on every day!

Get the stupid fat fuck in the White House to read the fucking thing ... and while you’re at it, you read them, so you can see what’s being ripped away from you by this fascist asshole.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
[QUOTE=Yssup Rider;1060776826]When was the last time you traveled out of hubbettsville, BONE. COLLECTOR?/QUOTE]

I wouldn't know where that is.

Your premise is ridiculous. And your argument presents a 180from Twitler’s policies.

this has nothing to do with twitter-in-chief but of the role congress played in passing stupid counterproductive laws.

something is wrong when they suspend your drivers license and theres no bus service in the area and you can't get to work to earn money to pay the fine!

this premises is not riducolous, unless you're in denial.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Simple, Simon!


(PS -- they're YOUR assholes, BC!)
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
whos BC?