Managing your privacy at P411

A new feature is now available for improved management of your privacy at P411.

A few months ago I had suggested to Gina the ability to turn off and on access to the client P411 account while still maintaining a "favorites" list. Prior to that, the options were EITHER "favorite" OR "block" but not both.

A few emails later and some enhancements on the P411 site, and now the client can use a "block" feature within their "favorites" so as to control when access to the client account is available while maintaining a "favorites" list. This allows for privacy in the event of a sabbatical or other absence from the hobby which would make tracking access somewhat difficult, or when any circumstances warrant a need for additional privacy. It is a good security feature for those who value increased security and privacy.

Some examples (beyond an absence) where this is useful would include where the client and provider have chosen not to meet, where a problem may arise with a prior contact, or when a client and provider may have met but are not likely to meet again in the foreseeable future.

Since so many hobbyists are hesitant to put personal information on a profile that may be viewed at any time by a provider who has the client's account information, this allows for some additional security and privacy that can substantially mitigate those concerns.

What this means to the ladies, if the feature is utilized, the client's profile is not accessible but that does not mean it is closed down, rather it means only that the client has chosen to restrict access to their personal information contained in their profile. There has always been a tracking feature, but when a client wants to limit access instead of tracking access, this new feature allows for that additional security measure.

When the client then wants to schedule an appointment, it is a simple single-click to turn access back on for the provider. The P411 forms now prompt for that "flip of the switch" prior to completing the "request pre-screen", "request an appointment", and "request OK" forms.

This is a great security feature and my thanks to Gina for recognizing the value of this and all the other security features P411 has recently implemented.

P411 just keeps getting better and better !!

Everyone stay safe, and have mutual respect for the security and safety needs of both sides of the hobby equation.

Best Regards, UF

P.S. For those of you considering a verification service, read this.