I need answers..

So I had a hobbyist tell me I don’t look like my pictures... so if you have seen me do me a favor and tell me if I need to update my photos? Thanks love you all!!!

Jaeden ❤️
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
None of your pics show your face so I do not know how he could determine that. But, if you have gained or lost considerable weight (25 lbs. or more), he may be right on your body. It is always good to update your pics regularly anyway for both the hobbyist, so he knows what you look like when you open the door for him, especially if he has not seen you before, and the provider, so that she does not get told that her pics do not match her physically in a review or get a bad rep in the male back channel forums that she has old and deceptive pics on her profile.
Thanks for the info..
I was checking you out yesterday and trying to guess your stats. I'm thinking 38C-26-34 or 36 and natural if you are 5'6" and 145.

Seeking clarification bc I like what I see.
Whether or not you decide to add new pics is up to you. As someone who’s had the pleasure of meeting you in person, I will tell the guys here that you are a very sexy lady and well worth visiting. Guys, her body is just like the pics and you will certainly leave with a smile on your face.
defleppard's Avatar
I personally believe that your pics are an accurate representation of you; however, I do agree that they are somewhat vague. I have always enjoyed my time with you and I consider you to be quite an attractive lady! Maybe just adding a couple more revealing, current shots, might help those who haven’t yet met you to get a better feel for who they might experience when the door opens. Whatever you decide to do, I for one am happy to know you and pleased with your looks - and other stuff. :-)
Master37's Avatar
I wonder who is so bad told you about the photo
My only suggestion is to get some pictures that are not blurry like you have 2 pictures that are nicely lit and then 3 that are a bit blurry or with some filter I understand wanting the artistic style but it may make some guys think that they are old pictures or bad photoshop.

Just my 2¢ not trying to be a jerk...
  • grean
  • 07-11-2019, 03:07 PM

If you're getting enough business, who cares what one guy thinks? A lot of ladies who are amazingly beautiful and also extraordinary BCD have had the same pics for years. However, their frames are basically the same as well.

You're the best judge of whether or not you need to update your photos.
If you need to ask if you need new pictures there is your answer. You do. Why ask? Just post a new pic once a month. Rotate out the oldest one. Problem solved and the freshness can only drive new business.
If you need to ask if you need new pictures there is your answer. You do. Why ask? Just post a new pic once a month. Rotate out the oldest one. Problem solved and the freshness can only drive new business. Originally Posted by ValenTX
I agree and not being a jerk or trying to put anyone down just my 2¢ since it was a public question.

Change rejuvenates us drive productivity. To tell you to stay the same would be selfish trying to keep you with the same circle and keep you from improving your wealth.

For example I’m sure you like fine goods like any other lady I know and those fancy brands have different looks for each calendar season and keep one classic look around just giving a real world example of what I’m trying to say
I love all the answers.. thanks. Sometimes it’s just someone else’s perception that I need. I didn’t think of it like that. I appreciate y’all honesty. ❤️
You are hot, I always enjoy seeing you. You know if I could, id be over there every fucking day. But ive been busy at work, and life has been getting in the way. However, your photos do give the idea you look one way, and you look a different way. But the thing is, You are hot, so if you just posted photos that showed you the way you really look, you would do fine. I need to come over and get pegged again soon. maybe we could role play a fantasy where you get mad at me for my post and want to get even with me by pegging me. That would be hot.
If you need to ask if you need new pictures there is your answer. Originally Posted by ValenTX
Agreed. You've answered the question for yourself.

Never having seen you, but having looked at your profile before, I'll offer some feedback. Personally I get a negative response to pictures 1 & 3. The others evoke positive responses. I like the idea of shooting for one new picture a month.

Finally, kudos to you for having the courage to ask the question. Way too many of us never stop to ask a question like that and as a result we miss the chance to grow.

You clearly have earned some strong admirers because of how you conduct yourself and I wish you the very best!
corona's Avatar
I can't even tell whats going on in pic 3, it's blurry and half of it is a reflection in the mirror. Normally I wouldn't be critical, but you asked for feedback.

Perhaps just some additional photos which will help a gent know what he should expdct to see when you open the door.