Next Week will be My One Year Eccie Anniversary!!!

I've had a blast since joining this site!

I want to thank all the lovely ladies that I've met and for showing me a good time! Still a lot I've yet to meet that are on my TDL!

I've really enjoyed all the fun reviews I've got to write too and the ladies that played along to allow me to show pics and come up with unique themes for many of them. They're a lot of fun to write and hopefully they've entertained.

Also it's been great to correspond and meet some of the cool hobbyists/reviewers out there!

It definitely has been a fun and wild ride!

Hmmmm, now how should I celebrate???
planojim's Avatar
Getting laid would be a good suggestion here. Threesome....foursome??
daty/o's Avatar
Congrats, GK. You've had a productive year.
Man, you have done a lot in a year.

Thanks for definitely bringing something to the table.
Skout's Avatar
  • Skout
  • 02-20-2014, 06:20 PM
Congratulations, grassy_knoll!
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
planojim's Avatar
No kidding! That's one review for every five days of the year! You might want to give your pecker a rest for your one year anniversary!

Congrats, GK. You've had a productive year. Originally Posted by daty/o
DallasRain's Avatar
woohoooo congrats!
jrewing's Avatar
Cuming from an old pro who has been around from the aspd days, I think you are doing a fine job with many good reviews along with enjoying yourself, keep it up, JR
Dandito's Avatar
No kidding! That's one review for every five days of the year! You might want to give your pecker a rest for your one year anniversary! Originally Posted by planojim
Ha ha! Fuck that! Go call the pussy possie and fuck them! Now that's how you celibate, er uh CELEBRATE. That was a funny auto correct!
planojim's Avatar
Agreed! Did you read the latest review of them doing a foursome? Hot!!!
Too bad they rarely work in town!

Ha ha! Fuck that! Go call the pussy possie and fuck them! Now that's how you celibate, er uh CELEBRATE. That was a funny auto correct! Originally Posted by Dandito
melannie_star's Avatar
McGrassy!! Congrats...

I have found the perfect book of 365 sex positions!
If anyone can do it, you can

Happy 1 year anniversay to eccie.. keep the fun alive!
planojim's Avatar
Maybe you should go back and be Melanniie's 70th review??

McGrassy!! Congrats...

I have found the perfect book of 365 sex positions!
If anyone can do it, you can

Happy 1 year anniversay to eccie.. keep the fun alive! Originally Posted by melannie_star
pyramider's Avatar
I thinck he is now ready for the tranny dwarves.