Skyler? Still around?

A good while back I saw Skyler at one of the studios. Is she still around?
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Guitar is our resident Studio hound if anybody would know its him. I think he actually moves his RV from studio to living in the parking lots so he can sample studio poon daily. That dude like him some studio poon. I cant say that I blame him when JJ's/777 was around I considered doing the same.
Guitar's Avatar
Haha Basscat, I would do that IF I could afford an RV. To answer the question, Skylar WAS at Studio 2 a couple months ago. I've been to Studio 2 since then, but it was on a weekend and just before quitting time when I got there. There were only 2 ladies left and they were waiting on me to get there and get done before they could leave. So she wasn't there that day, but that didn't mean she's not there at all. If she's left, I haven't heard so. Hope that helps.
I was at #2 Skyler was working there. She give me an awesome message‼️Thank you Guitar for all the updates. I’m a newbe to the Studio business.
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Hey I_W3, I see you are from Vicksburg, (or that's what it says on your avatr). There is a cool girl over there that goes by Jessica Rabbit that is legit and very affordable. If you get the chance, you should see her. She has ads on STG's.
A friend of mine said she legit.
Guitar, which one you like the most Studio1 or 2.
Which girls you recommend for a newbe?
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Aw man, I can't chose just 1. I like them all. There is 1 or 2 that are new enough that I havn't seen yet. But they seem cool. I can't just point 1 out for being better than any of the others. Just go see them all. 1 at the time, as you can afford it. I assure you, you WON'T be dissapointed in any of them. Sorry I can't help on the subject. But they are all great at what they do.
Thanks bro