Funny new prostitution website

Got a text on the hobby phone that read: "You're being investigated for online prostitution, go here: and click remove profile..

Curious as I am I checked it out, looks like a half assed scam attempt, funny though. This site pulls the same adds that are placed online (just like the countless "add sites" that we never actually use, but that copy/paste adds and put in "mention you saw this here" to try and attract bizz)

The scam part? They want you to plug in a CC and charge you a hundred bucks to remove the profile. As if this website regurgitating the info already out on the net is imperative..

Hope no one falls for the bull, be smart ladies! You'll end up broke with a missing identity, I'm sure of it.
I swear i just got the text!
LOL! I did too. I'm have potential, lol.
ROFL yeah, seems like a new site trying to squeeze cash out of women... Cute.
Hey i was wondering about that site cause i got the same text lol!!! Glad i didn't pay!