A Few Thoughts for Tuesday

1) There are now officially more freaks in The Sandbox (National) than there are in Another Realm. If I really wanted to see this much bile, I'd work in a hospital.

2) Carrie Hillcrest just submitted the best Provider Ad of the year this morning. Sexy, elegant and grammatically arousing.

3) As of this writing, I have more respect for football players and owners than politicians. For the moment.

What are your thoughts today?

My thoughts are I just wanna fuck a bitch
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
billw1032's Avatar
2) Carrie Hillcrest just submitted the best Provider Ad of the year this morning. Sexy, elegant and grammatically arousing. Originally Posted by TexasT
??? Well, it did get me to go look at her ad, and it is a great ad. Creative and well-written is somehow very intriguing.

3) As of this writing, I have more respect for football players and owners than politicians. For the moment. Originally Posted by TexasT
+100^100, or some number larger than that if there is one, and not just for the moment.
Chevalier's Avatar
2) Carrie Hillcrest just submitted the best Provider Ad of the year this morning. Sexy, elegant and grammatically arousing. Originally Posted by TexasT
Well, it was very good, but I might prefer her recent "Vixen for Hire" or Julius Caeser ads. I understand that not everyone is creative enough to do that sort of thing, but it does get noticed, at least by some of us. In fact, it's a major plus just for changing it up instead of repeating the exact same ad again and again and again.
  • T-Can
  • 07-26-2011, 09:13 AM
The rain is being a cock tease this morning
I've been at work a total of 2.5hrs and just noticed that my panties are inside out.
Redsan's Avatar
I've been at work a total of 2.5hrs and just noticed that my panties are inside out. Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess

So just how did they get inside out and do you need me
to reverse them for you???
I've been at work a total of 2.5hrs and just noticed that my panties are inside out. Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess

You wear panties?!?!
mtabsw's Avatar
It's Tuesday? I'm still dazed and confused from an attack by a no-holes barred GMILF-on-a-MSOG-mission Monday evening... Ask me again tomorrow.
I wish I had a job that allowed me to check out eccie after 2.5 hours. And I damn sure wish I was the guy who pointed out to Italian Princess that her panties were inside out.

Yeah, looks like the rain pulled a NCNS. And mtabsw, I'd love to know who she was.
My Tuesday thoughts of the day.

The same as everyday during the summer here in this state.

1.Its Hot as hell outside.

2.Happy Birthday Jules.
mtabsw's Avatar
And mtabsw, I'd love to know who she was. Originally Posted by TexasT
The incomparable and always compliant MsFoster - I do remember that much.
Redsan - When I got outta tha shower at 6:30am apparently I put them on that way...lol

Slowmover - I only wear them when you're not around.

TexasT - yeah, I know right. Good thing I've got my own office up here or I'd be screwed...Mmmm speaking of...email me. I've got GOOD NEWS on my upCUMming *NEW* schedule.

Oh hey, here's another Tuesday thought...my lawn guy disappeared on me (again) It's going on 4weeks now ...Anyone willing to come mow this patchy jungle of a yard for me? Weed Eat? Edge?
Don't worry, we could "figure something out" for your help, I'm sure
Your own office, the things you could do