Tonight at one of trumpfs cult caves trumpf said...
" I've never seen the Republican party more unified"!
Biggest lie in trumpfs history!
Trumpf divides never unifies
The Republican party never has been this divided. The party has lost members not gained. He is the sole reason we lost the senate and no red wave. He lost by 3 or 4 million votes to Hillary and by 7 to Joey's in popular votes.
He has fractured the party so severely it may take several decades to recover. In a red red state his opponent got 40 percent. With over 70 percent of those voters stating they will not vote for trumpf if he's the nominee. Of haleys voters less than four percent were dems. Insignificant number. Do the math and trumpf barely wins a red red state. This is very telling for November.
It's the magas and trumpf dividing our party. And the division has never been larger.