Trumps biggest lie of all

winn dixie's Avatar
Tonight at one of trumpfs cult caves trumpf said...
" I've never seen the Republican party more unified"!

Biggest lie in trumpfs history!
Trumpf divides never unifies
The Republican party never has been this divided. The party has lost members not gained. He is the sole reason we lost the senate and no red wave. He lost by 3 or 4 million votes to Hillary and by 7 to Joey's in popular votes.
He has fractured the party so severely it may take several decades to recover. In a red red state his opponent got 40 percent. With over 70 percent of those voters stating they will not vote for trumpf if he's the nominee. Of haleys voters less than four percent were dems. Insignificant number. Do the math and trumpf barely wins a red red state. This is very telling for November.
It's the magas and trumpf dividing our party. And the division has never been larger.
Tonight at one of trumpfs cult caves trumpf said...
" I've never seen the Republican party more unified"!

Biggest lie in trumpfs history!
Trumpf divides never unifies
The Republican party never has been this divided. The party has lost members not gained. He is the sole reason we lost the senate and no red wave. He lost by 3 or 4 million votes to Hillary and by 7 to Joey's in popular votes.
He has fractured the party so severely it may take several decades to recover. In a red red state his opponent got 40 percent. With over 70 percent of those voters stating they will not vote for trumpf if he's the nominee. Of haleys voters less than four percent were dems. Insignificant number. Do the math and trumpf barely wins a red red state. This is very telling for November.
It's the magas and trumpf dividing our party. And the division has never been larger. Originally Posted by winn dixie
... Crikey! ... The Republican Party looks unified to me!
... Trump is WINNING Primary after Primary and is, of course
Leading in the polls over Joe Biden.

And THAT is No Lie...

#### Salty
Tonight at one of trumpfs cult caves trumpf said...
" I've never seen the Republican party more unified"!

Biggest lie in trumpfs history!
Trumpf divides never unifies
The Republican party never has been this divided. The party has lost members not gained. He is the sole reason we lost the senate and no red wave. He lost by 3 or 4 million votes to Hillary and by 7 to Joey's in popular votes.
He has fractured the party so severely it may take several decades to recover. In a red red state his opponent got 40 percent. With over 70 percent of those voters stating they will not vote for trumpf if he's the nominee. Of haleys voters less than four percent were dems. Insignificant number. Do the math and trumpf barely wins a red red state. This is very telling for November.
It's the magas and trumpf dividing our party. And the division has never been larger. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Republican voters aren't swinging towards a Democrat I'll tell ya that. If they are they aren't true Republicans or true Americans. So you can take your division theory and stick it.
winn dixie's Avatar
Republican voters aren't swinging towards a Democrat I'll tell ya that. If they are they aren't true Republicans or true Americans. So you can take your division theory and stick it. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Theory? The party has never been this divided. It's embarrassing. And costing us elections. Fact
Did you not see the debacle in the house? Nauseating
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Republican voters aren't swinging towards a Democrat I'll tell ya that. If they are they aren't true Republicans or true Americans. So you can take your division theory and stick it. Originally Posted by Levianon17

No. They’ll just stay home. Either way, the Ds win again.

And if you’re not a Republican, you’re not a true American?

You want fries with that?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No. They’ll just stay home. Either way, the Ds win again.

And if you’re not a Republican, you’re not a true American?

You want fries with that?

hahahahahahahahah Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

if you say so

eccieuser9500's Avatar
That is a pretty big lie. To himself.

We all know there are factions of the Republican party. Fiercely divided. He is a child that lives in denial. That's all.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Republican voters aren't vottowards a Democrat I'll tell ya that. If they are they aren't true Republicans or true Americans. So you can take your division theory and stick it. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Trump won't win in 2024 with just support of Republicans. That was true in 2016 and 2020. Independent voters who supported him in 2016 supported Biden in 2020. There are almost as many Independent voters in this country as there are Republicans. My wife was a perfect example of that movement. Voted for Trump in 2016. By 2018 she was disgusted with Trump, as a person more than a politician, and voted for Biden in 2020 and will vote for Biden again in 2024.

In 4 years in office, Trump pandered to his base with little to no focus on Independent voters and it cost him big time in 2020. Trump will lose the popular vote again in 2024 and very possibly the electoral vote and it is the Independent voters who control his destiny. Not Republicans.
ICU 812's Avatar
A few other fmous stretchers . . . .

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance plan you can keep your insurance plan."

' I never hd sex with that woman . . ."

" This president is not a crook!"

And of course, President Johnsons claims that North Viet Nam had attacked a US Navy ship in the Gulf of Tonkin. There is no famous quote for that, but the lie got us deeply committed into the Viet Nam war for the next decasde and more.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
A few other fmous stretchers . . . .

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance plan you can keep your insurance plan."

' I never hd sex with that woman . . ."

" This president is not a crook!"

And of course, President Johnsons claims that North Viet Nam had attacked a US Navy ship in the Gulf of Tonkin. There is no famous quote for that, but the lie got us deeply committed into the Viet Nam war for the next decasde and more. Originally Posted by ICU 812
What aboutism doesn’t add credibility to the biggest pathological liar of all time. Nor should it explain or justify your gullibility.
winn dixie's Avatar
It's very telling on trumpf that he even said the party has never been more unified. Huge lie. Is he trying to convince himself? Or did tucks pad err goebbels tell him to say it?
Real Republicans know the truth. Magas are loud mouthed do nothing liars. And count on division to advance their agenda. The party is fractured to the core.
ICU 812's Avatar
What aboutism doesn’t add credibility to the biggest pathological liar of all time. Nor should it explain or justify your gullibility. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
If you say so.

But I think my point is that politics in general is full of lies and liars. The Clintons, both of them, got away with a few insidious ones.

Some political lies by President Johnson got a whole generation of young men killed needlessly. . . .based on a lie.

That Candidate Trump is being willfully incorrect on GOP unity is, in the sweep of history and the grand scheme of things, pretty small pottos.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Trump is correct. He has won every primary by historic margins, far more than any modern candidate. A few loudmouths who aren’t happy with that doesn’t change reality.
winn dixie's Avatar
Trump is correct. He has won every primary by historic margins, far more than any modern candidate. A few loudmouths who aren’t happy with that doesn’t change reality. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
But but he has lost ever election he's ever ran in by a combination of over 10 million votes. He was and maga was totally rebuked in 22 very embarrassingly.
Trump ain't a unifier. He's a divider.
The party is fractured for a generation maybe
DNinja69's Avatar
If winning is the judgement then Democrats by default must be unified and solidly behind our current President steamrolling to 4 more years right?

WD has a solid point and the Republican party has lost ground and while the rally cry in this election year has Trump far out in the lead that is a product of him being seen as the only candidate running that has the ability to beat Biden. I hear a lot of anti Trump talk from people who will absolutely only consider Trump in November.

Fact is the growth area is Independent voters in a time where the Democrats have again fumbled, stumbled, and failed yet current polls have Trump v Biden a dead heat. The Republican party is not unified and if for some reason Trump had decided to sit this one out it would have been a shitshow watching them try to put enough lipstick on DeSantis so he didn't get roasted like a pig at luau