Should we treat the Lady posters different?

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  • 01-11-2012, 08:31 AM
JD's post has gotten me to pause. Do you ladies think we should cut you some slack because you are ladies? What about you girlie men? Do you think the ladies should be put up on a pedestal when they come in here talking politics?

. You insulted some lovely ladies because they expressed their opinion. . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Personally I never care about the gender of a poster when talking politics. If they say something I agree with, I agree with them no matter their race or party stance. If they say something beyond stupid, I have a tendency to point it out.

Which is the more chauvinistic attitude?
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I think we should all be treated the same - with respect. Is it necessary for some posters to be sarcastic, crude, or argumentative? You can say that the viewpoint expressed is not supported by the facts in evidence. (Of course, that takes a lot more typing than, "You're stupid."

That said, I do appreciate a gentlemen standing up for ladies, wee beasties, and the, um, "less educated." Maybe because I'm older and come from a different environment with more etiquette than what's accepted these days, I don't think it's chauvinistic to have a fellow open doors or offer me his coat if I'm cold, or defend me against an impolite remark. I used to be a women's libber with the whole "we're all equal" mumbo jumbo firmly implanted. Then I learned the truth: we women are BETTER.

So much of politics is personal opinion, party palooza, media smooza, it's hard to tell what the truth is anymore. So can't we debate with open minds and not disparage other's remarks to the point of insult?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Fancy, I, uh, just checked out your showcase, and, well, uh, I'm already "standing up" for you!

Fancyinheels's Avatar
Fancy, I, uh, just checked out your showcase, and, well, uh, I'm already "standing up" for you!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Oh, I love a patriotic flag raising!
anaximander's Avatar
It's girlie to defend the women?
What a faggot ass thing to say.

The only guys I have known who take defense
of women negatively were all fags.
Just saying

Weird jealousy projection don't understand it,
don't care to- make me a latent pinkbelly too.

If a woman struck you in the face for any reason
what would be your first response?

If it's anything other than a dark chuckle,
you are weak.
Nope. Bring it on!!! If i can't handle it then I can'f dish it out. That is my motto ( others should heed)
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  • 01-11-2012, 10:03 AM
I should have known that people would reply without having understood the question. Just in this forum. Not anywhere else. Just on this internet forum where your thoughts are what we put a premium on. Posters that I really have no idea the sex of. I just take you for your word but it really matters not. Black or white man or woman should you be judged by your posts or gender. Is that to hard to understand? Or are we going to play victim and hero here? Read wtf is posted before commenting on some projected thing you thought was posted.
I B Hankering's Avatar
"You're stupid."
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Hmmm, in this forum, that is polite.
anaximander's Avatar
Yeah I read it so what.
I'm not saying I'll agree with whatever
the dames say- my record speaks for itself.
I just refuse to front them out or mock them
if I don't. Gentle redirect at most.

Just because a dame says bring it
doesn't make it okay: they all think they're tough

I was raised a southern gentleman.
If you wish to behave like some inbred hilljack
whose auntmomma and uncledaddy didn't
teach you how to treat cousinsissy
I can't help you.

Your strength is displayed by how little
the weak can effect or move you.
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  • 01-11-2012, 11:18 AM
I think we should all be treated the same - with respect.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Respect is earned. I do not hand that out for free. Earn my respect with well thought out replies. I do not have to agree with them. A passive cutdown is no better than a aggressive one in my book.

That said, I do appreciate a gentlemen standing up for ladies, wee beasties, and the, um, "less educated." Maybe because I'm older and come from a different environment with more etiquette than what's accepted these days, I don't think it's chauvinistic to have a fellow open doors or offer me his coat if I'm cold, or defend me against an impolite remark.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
That is not what I asked. Totally different subject and one in which I agree with you on.

My question was in a discussion of ideas, political discussions, where gender should not matter IMHO, should a woman get special treatment? Keep in mind this is on the internet. Where all are equal. Ideas are what set you apart. Not gender. But hey , you may disagree and let me know why, if so.

So much of politics is personal opinion, party palooza, media smooza, it's hard to tell what the truth is anymore. So can't we debate with open minds and not disparage other's remarks to the point of insult? Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
What is the standard? The biggest titty baby rules? So if say that lil bitch JD Barleycorn came on here crying about being called an idiot , after basically calling those that disagree with her the exact same thing, we should submit to her, just because he is acting like a girl?
WTF's Avatar
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  • 01-11-2012, 11:22 AM
Yeah I read it so what.
I'm not saying I'll agree with whatever
the dames say- my record speaks for itself.
I just refuse to front them out or mock them
if I don't. Gentle redirect at most.

Just because a dame says bring it
doesn't make it okay: they all think they're tough

. Originally Posted by anaximander
And this is ok? Treating them like special-ed children?

I was raised a southern gentleman.
If you wish to behave like some inbred hilljack
whose auntmomma and uncledaddy didn't
teach you how to treat cousinsissy
I can't help you.

Your strength is displayed by how little
the weak can effect or move you. Originally Posted by anaximander
You are calling the women weak.

I am treating them as equals in a internet discussion.

Not sure but it seems you are the one with the chauvinistic attitude.
anaximander's Avatar
They are weaker all things considered.
They are not built for the jungle of
the 6th day creation called earth.
They are of the 8th day.
They are a gift from the Almighty.

Their strength is their weakness.
It's supposed to have us deal
with them differently instead of
pretending they are equals and
muscling them around when
it suits us. You don't treat them
like one of they guys because
they simply are not.

So you see I am not the pushover
others may have thought.

Know thine place.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Of course I am going to treat female poster differently. I want to fuck them.
Of course I am going to treat female poster differently. I want to fuck them. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
best answer here!

this place is one of a kind i didn't thunk a simple question would be so complex. Who cares if we are weak or not this is the internet not a strongman contest. if a girl thinks everyone is going to be all when it comes to differing opinions when it comes to politics and religion, than she does not belong in this section.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Of course I am going to treat female poster differently. I want to fuck them. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Agreed. And, I'll add, there are several guys here whom I'd like to see go fuck themselves.