
Guest030511's Avatar
Hey guys!

Quick question for you...what do you think about a lady having her own website done? Not a yahoo group or anything like that. I just had my website finished. Just curious what you guys think and if it really makes that big of a difference? Awaiting your responses!
Energizer's Avatar
Audrey, I think it really depends on what you offer on your website? For instance, is it somewhere one could find more pictures or more information about you, other from your Yahoo group or Ads? Just a thought. I look forward to seeing your new site!
Guest030511's Avatar
Yes, it has several pictures of myself and lots of biography/about me information! Take a look. My website is
Jaleh's Avatar
  • Jaleh
  • 11-14-2010, 08:27 AM
Nice site girl..Did you design this yourself?
Guest030511's Avatar
Thanks, I designed it myself, but had it professionally done.
Energizer's Avatar
Very nice touch Audrey! Congratulations...your site looks very nice. I love your new pictures!
flexywun's Avatar
Well Audrey, not sure how big a difference it makes to me but i will say this. when i'me looking at a girl i will look at the website if she has one. i rarely look at the yahoo groups. i will look for pics not in the showcase and read bio and faq. so i guess it does help some. by the way, nice site. you have some excellent pics in there. especially those two erasers that are not connected to pencils.
LazurusLong's Avatar

Some suggestions for your web site.

You need to be sure to put Dallas as your home base on the pages because if the person you paid to build that did it properly with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tags and features, someone may be able to search properly and find your site. After looking at your page source, I found that whoever you paid to create that page did very little to make your page get returned in the various search engines.

They barely put any meta tags in there at all:
meta name="keywords" content="escort, companion, girlfriend, date, provider"

Note there is nothing like: Dallas, Texas, DFW, blonde, nipples, eraser, fit, or other words that guys have used to describe you in your reviews.

It is tough to find your stats since they are buried at the bottom of one page. Guys looking for P4P want images and stats to pop out at them quickly and not have to search around trying to find them. A tab with stats would be faster and much clearer.

Your review tab should be links to ECCIE reviews. When I see words a provider has written they hold zero credibility but when a provider provides links to the actual review (date of review should be in the link) it not only allows the reader to see with their own eyes but it also creates a link that will assist in your ranking in search engines.

Now for the question you asked.

It has been mentioned before but there are issues with Yahoo groups. Spam, guys sending to the group instead of you. There have been numerous pimps who create the Yahoo groups for the girls and the actual girl is never part of it and has most times never seen it. To many guys, Yahoo groups scream in a loud voice PIMP and some mark you off their list no matter how stellar the reviews or how nice those nipples you sport are!

Web sites don't need to be fancy. But they do need to be laid out well and the information presented in an easy to read fashion.

Keep in mind that your target client is older and a slightly larger font might work better for guys 40-50+. Compare the font size you are using in this post to the font size on your page. You are obviously using a large font here for a reason so I'm not sure why you would use such a small font on the site unless your "professional" site person doesn't understand your target audience.

Hope this helps.
Nice site.

I will be honest that I rarely go to a website. I rely on ads here and reviews. If I have to go to a site for rates/availability, I just pass.
ready4u814's Avatar
Great site but be sure to include Lazurus's suggestions. I always check out website's, reviews and pics. I love your pics, especially those eraser's that I could suck on for hours while I'm doing other things to the rest of you.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 11-14-2010, 10:50 AM
If you didn't think it made that much of a difference... then you wouldn't have had one done to begin with. Why else would you have invested money/time into it?

Welcome to the world without rare-escorts... love your pics.
geck's Avatar
  • geck
  • 11-14-2010, 11:35 AM
Fantastic site Audrey! I really appreciate a girl that has taken some time to spruce up her site. A little bartering with a few web programmers could do wonders for a provider's web image. It's actually very easy to make professional looking websites and the standard fair for most of the providers is obviously a rip-off (those sites had better be free).

I really appreciate the pics (even though you have them in your showcase, it's nice to get to see a for more). Professional photos should be considered a necessary business expense. Or at least barter for some semi pro photos (I've always had one of those fantasies of being invited over to take "art" photos that led to...) The tiny grainy photos in so many sites just make me look elsewhere.

Again, good job! I'll have to come back down to Dallas and we can "discuss" this more in person
LazurusLong's Avatar
Something I forgot to mention.

There are many unscrupulous web guys out there who have the attitude that once they've built the site, THEY own the material, not you.

Then they hold it over your head for more fees for minor changes that you could quickly change or fix such as updating photos or changing text on pages or even a contact number.

When you pay a person to install a light at your house, you own the light and the house and if you want anything else, you are free to call that person back for more work.

Insist that YOU and YOU alone have access to the source code for the page once it is paid for and that YOU and you alone have control over the domain name and password.

That site looks like it was done with a cookie cutter form that I've seen used many times in the past so hopefully you didn't get asked to pay that much for the cut and paste the web coder did to insert the text and photos and tab labels.

I can't tell you how many providers have ended business relationships with web guys who then won't hand over the source they paid for or the password to the server and site and domain registration they own and have paid for. It doesn't matter if you have paid for it or not, the email and password is ALL the server and domain companies care about and you will NOT be able to gain control if the web guy refuses to hand it over and you have time to change it.

PLEASE make sure you have control over everything and change passwords and contact emails for the site/domain/server hosting as soon as possible if you have not already.
Guest030511's Avatar
My web designer has staked no claim to my content or my photos and I have had the password since the very first minute I signed up for the domain. My web designer is adding a few meta tags, but that doesn't really help anymore because search engines make you pay to be at the top of the results now!
If you didn't think it made that much of a difference... then you wouldn't have had one done to begin with. Why else would you have invested money/time into it?

Welcome to the world without rare-escorts... love your pics. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
If she didn't ask a question - any question - it would be a threAD, and everyone knows how the Gang of Five frown on that.