e-mail communication

Am i the only gent who prefers to communicate via email only? I bring this up because i have been having difficulty lately finalizing appointments due to my preferred method of communication. I know everyone does the two call system, but because of my private life i cannot use my phone. Which providers regularly check their emails and do not mind using email only as a form of communication?
citizen44's Avatar
You're screwed. Back to internet porn and five finger Mary for you
SamHouston's Avatar
Wish the providers accept emails only form as well, yes I'm with it helps me a lot too.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Google voice texts get sent to your gmail which allows you to send as an email but they receive it as a text. Or you can use google voice completely through your web browser. Problem solved.
tbone77494's Avatar
I was that way for a while but had to give in. Texts are the norm now and you're suspicious if you don't use it.
FrontRunner's Avatar
Is getting a dedicated burner phone not an option? That's what most people seem to do.
Hobby phone is the best method.
fiftyseven's Avatar
The best way. Cheap flip phones with refillable minutes or Google voice, maybe a texting app.

Although communication wise depends on the provider. A few providers are quick on emails, some through text, some want calls only. I usually found texting is the most common form of communicating with a provider. Unless they request their preferred form of communication.
I considered burner phone, but for me it's too risky. Afraid i will leave it on, or misplace it. I guess i can look at google voice. Or, i'll just stick to one provider i have already met.
I've noticed your more professional providers will bend to accommodate your preference. Look on P411, use only the ones with their own personal website. That should eliminate about 70%.
Spice, as usual, has excellent advise about google voice going to email.
Good luck Mr Bill

tbone77494's Avatar
Burner phone - get in habit of leaving it at the office. I'm more worried of leaving the app open in my regular phone and SO wonders why I don't want her touching it. This way I'm like - sure honey, use my cell. And texts from hookers are locked in my desk at the office.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
In some RARE instances I have accepted email as the only form of communication. I might with a well-established ECCIE member such as the OP.

However, please be aware that when a gent doesn't provide a phone number, it's not just a communication limitation, but a screening issue, as well. (Even keeping in mind Google Voice and burners.) Two strikes on one pitch. Understandably, ladies of lust would be more reluctant to entertain him.
lol hardhat, that was funny. Funny thing is i look like that.
I don't know whats been going on lately, i did not have a problem before. I guess times are changing.
lol hardhat, that was funny. Funny thing is i look like that.
I don't know whats been going on lately, i did not have a problem before. I guess times are changing. Originally Posted by billrich
dude, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to out you, putting your pic up like that. I'll take my points but it was an innocent mistake...

That's said, let me hit on two things.
That you would mention that you actually looked like Mr Bill, I had to bust out laughing. The 70's must have been rough when he was on SNL.
2. Yeah the sad truth is, the times they are a changing.
It's getting dangerous out there for the ladies, and the best way they can protect themselves is by screening. I've heard of two incidents where the girl fought her way out of danger. But more often of where the girl got hurt. And these are the only ones we hear about. Since the ladies feel like they are committing a crime, they are a lot less likley to report it when a meeting goes South. This is one of the many things that makes them a target for creeps.

And then there's this...
The Hippo's right again, it might mean more work going through the process. But you can't put a price on discretion.

Google voice texts get sent to your gmail which allows you to send as an email but they receive it as a text. Or you can use google voice completely through your web browser. Problem solved. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
Refillable phones or ting.com are viable options. Google voice can be useful as well, but it may also be even harder to hide your tracks if you've tied it to your "real" phone. I quit relying on gVoice after several times noticing that there was an incriminating pop up or notice on my phone that, had someone else noticed it instead of me, would've been unpleasant.