What's up with P411?

I've noticed several providers have inactivated their accounts on P411 recently. There are some that I know have left the hobby but others still have showcases on Eccie and have logged on not long ago. Just wondering what's going on since as far as I know it's free for providers to list there so it seems like there would be some reason they have been leaving. I've been a satisfied P411 customer and just renewed for another year so I'm wondering if there's some reason for concern.

Feel free to PM me if you'd rather not say in public.
They heard p411 was starting a random forum and were afraid Spanky would invade it! Just messing with you Spanky. I actually read your crazy bullshit!
They heard p411 was starting a random forum and were afraid Spanky would invade it! Just messing with you Spanky. I actually read your crazy bullshit! Originally Posted by Elvisisalive
Lol! Well I'm glad someone reads my crazy bullshit...much like a tree falling in the forest possibly not making a sound, if no one reads crazy bullshit posted on a forum does it actually exist?
Lmao, I read it. 😍
But like now, I have no useful input... I have no idea what's up with people leaving P411. I love it, I just don't use it as much as I should.
Rogersguy's Avatar
I like when providers use the p411 availability option. It's like the short notice thread we had here a while back.
I like when providers use the p411 availability option. It's like the short notice thread we had here a while back. Originally Posted by Rogersguy
I would too except I hardly ever see anyone on P411 using it. Not touching the short term thread topic since it starts an argument whenever anyone does because of strong opinions about why we shouldn't have it (not from me).
Rogersguy's Avatar
I would too except I hardly ever see anyone on P411 using it. Not touching the short term thread topic since it starts an argument whenever anyone does because of strong opinions about why we shouldn't have it (not from me). Originally Posted by SpankyJ
Agreed. Wish more providers used the option.
SerenityXX's Avatar
I always use the p411 available now.
Kind of a bummer to see several "Provider Not Active" statuses in my P411 OKs.
You have to go in every hour and post for the available now. It's hard to remember every hour to do that
jethro1970's Avatar
p411 has proved to be pretty valuable, in my opinion. I'm not exactly a high volume hobby person, and so it is really convenient to capture "ok"s to serve as references when seeing a provider for the first time. There are a couple of providers that I've wanted to see but aligning times/availability was challenging... and when I finally found them available, linking my p411 ID with many "ok"s probably helped me to secure a speedy date. If it costs nothing to providers, I would think it would be a no-brainer to use?
I would think it would be a no-brainer to use? Originally Posted by jethro1970
That's what I'd think as well. It does cost money to change pictures and post top listings, probably some other stuff too, but as far as I'm aware a basic provider account is free. I think they are pretty strict about expecting the ladies to respond to inquiries in a timely manner so it's understandable to inactivate them if on vacation or something like that. The ones I'm referring to though have been inactivated for some time, including one provider who inactivated her P411 account but still has an active eccie account, though she rarely posts and hasn't posted an ad in quite some time either.
I just received an email from p411 that reminded me of this thread. I used my p411 when I was in Dallas two or so weeks ago. Yesterday I got an email about being inactive. I know some ladies don't check their emails the way I do, so if they ever got an email they wouldn't know. The way it sounds by the email, if you aren't actively using your p411 account, they inactivate it. I log in every time I get one of these emails which seems to be about once every two weeks to a month before I log in and post an ad or make an update to keep my profile active.
Perhaps that is what happened to the providers you speak of. They just didn't log in enough
GinaXXX's Avatar
It does cost money to change pictures and post top listings.
Please note that it's free for providers to change photos once per month, but there is a cost for more frequent than that. Also, while Top10 Listings do cost (often, a pretty penny), it's completely free to log in frequently which bumps the listing to top place under the Paid Top Listings, which is #11 in a city.

We do require providers log in regularly and respond to reference requests. Some providers have a bit of trouble with this, and end up dropping off the site because it's "too much work".

Of course, many other providers drop off the site because of obligations in the personal lives that prevent them from continuing to provide. We remove inactive providers far more quickly than any other site I'm aware of, because sites tend to want their provider ranks to look more full... while we focus on having legitimate and responsive providers on the site.

It's a daily struggle though!

Thanks Gina, that is very informative.

I do find the site quite useful and recently renewed for another year. It is great not to have to mess with references and all the complications that can happen there. I do understand that some providers may require additional screening but it's never happened to me. They see my Okays and we are good.

I think it's especially valuable for traveling, since providers my be less willing to provide references to providers in other places, and providers in other place may also be less likely to accept them.