Emails, other form of communication

Why do escorts provide emails if they never check them? I largely prefer to not use my cell phone number for this... but there's never an alternative way of contact that they actually check. Why can't they just check their email they provide, or make a facebook and use fb messenger or something lol.

Anyone have any other interesting ways to contact providers without having to disclose your cell number?
Get a text app and you get to pick any number you want easy thing to do and if the SO gets suspicious just delete the app and download another text app

TextNow is a good one

Some providers like to use kik messenger
The.Angel.Luv's Avatar
Sometime you don’t get email notifications until later.
flanker1017's Avatar
Just get a burner phone from WalMart.
Get a text app and you get to pick any number you want easy thing to do and if the SO gets suspicious just delete the app and download another text app

TextNow is a good one

Some providers like to use kik messenger Originally Posted by Gottahavemore
TextNow is very good, a little buggy getting past the adverts, but it’s why it’s free, just click thru them first.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I wouldn't expect most to live near their phones. Technology isn't perfect but i'm pretty good at responding to my emails and it's not hard to connect email to your phone. BUT if you're that RIGHT NOW kind of guy you might want to get a different phone and/or use more secure messenger apps like Telegram or Wire or Signal.
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- .... . / .-. . .- ... --- -. / -.-- --- ..- / -.-. .- -. / -. --- - / ... . . / -... . --. / .. ... / -... --- . .. -. --. --. ..- -.--
Hahahah the 1800’s were a bitch to use a Morse key ... but just think the fondling hand was strong with that one hahahah

Thinking she would be screaming

--- .... / --. --- -.. / .. -- / -.-. ..- -- -- .. -. --. / --- .... / --. --- -.. / .. -- / -.-. ..- -- -- .. -. --.

Like the second one haha nice