Sneezing Fetish

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

I've been asked if I can sneeze on command. For all that are reading this topic, I cannot. Not sure how this fetish would work very well.

Thought this would make for an interesting topic!

Never thought of this as something sexual, but, then again... !

My immediate thoughts concern the muscle tension associate with sneezing. The nasal discharge isn't my thang, but the way all the muscles tense up when sneezing. Various orifices convulsing during a sneeze has a certain appeal.

And... Sneezing isn't a voluntary event. Something must be the catalyst. I am thinking the accelerant is part of the fun...

Always interesting topics, Ms. Whispers...
Got me on this one, Elisabeth.♥
bule84's Avatar Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

wow that is a fairly active forum....I read one of the posts about other fetishes people have and had never considered many of them as fetishes.....not a site I will bookmark, but an interesting place for a quick browse
wow that is a fairly active forum....I read one of the posts about other fetishes people have and had never considered many of them as fetishes.....not a site I will bookmark, but an interesting place for a quick browse Originally Posted by bule84
Fresh Ground Black Pepper?
ben dover's Avatar
Never thought of that one, but there's something for everyone... BD
Different strokes for different folks!
DallasRain's Avatar
ok never heard of that one!!

NOBODY wants me to sneeze...mine can be heard round the world! I scare babies and could probably break glass! lol
Once while pounding away with a provider she sneezed. I was buried to the hilt otherwise she would have pushed me out. That pussy was tight. Damn near squeezed my dick off
autumlove's Avatar
I don't now how this one would work. When I sneeze I usually sneeze 3xs in a row and everyone laughs at me. But sneezing on command. I don't think that would be easy.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Always game for a new adventure.........Bring it on~~
mwsatx's Avatar
Might want to bring this one up again during cedar season
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Got me on this one, Elisabeth.♥ Originally Posted by *GoddessDallas*
Yep. Me, too!!!

ok never heard of that one!!

NOBODY wants me to sneeze...mine can be heard round the world! I scare babies and could probably break glass! lol Originally Posted by DallasRain
It's a family trait, one that I do not share, to REALLY sneeze loudly. I mean, almost a painful sounding sneeze. I wonder if the people who like this fetish like it LOUD?

Always game for a new adventure.........Bring it on~~ Originally Posted by Ms. Athena
Let us know how it works out if you find someone who wants you to sneeze for them!!! It's nice to see you posting again, Athena!!! Welcome back!


I've been asked if I can sneeze on command. For all that are reading this topic, I cannot. Not sure how this fetish would work very well.

Thought this would make for an interesting topic!

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

Try looking at the Sun. Years ago a girlfriend told me that looking at the Sun made her sneeze and said it would make me sneeze to. I laughed about it but sure enough when I looked at the Sun I did sneeze.. I have since read that it probably works on about 30 percentage of the population. Whenever I feel any kind of tingle in my noise I look right up and the sneeze is overpowering. Lights in the house work also just not as well.
DallasRain's Avatar
I was once in a hotel room and sneezed extremely loud {like normal} ...a person walking thru the hallway said Bless You at my door!