Mexico takes a US Marine

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Last month I wrote about American truck driver Jabin Bogan who accidentally entered Mexico at the direction of a federal officer where he was arrested and helf for four months. His cargo? 320,000 rounds of ammunition legally registered and totally legit. Severl people on this site thought this was something to be made fun of and several snarky comments were made and excuses created for Obama to be disengaged from his job. Well, here we go again.

Marine (there is no former) Jon Hammer drove into Mexico heading for central American for some fishing and surfing. His RV broke down and the local police wanted to know what he had inside. His 70 plus year old shotgun was taken apart, stowed, and registered with the Mexican border authorities. He was arrested anyway and is looking at 12 years. Where is our state department? Where is the great and powerful Hillary? What is Obama? Planning his multi-million dollar vacation no doubt. The GOP in Congress intervened for Bogan so what do we do now. A bunch of "former" marines go to Mexico and get him back.

So lets hear the snark assholes...
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-09-2012, 07:00 PM
Article 27. The right to carry arms will only be authorized for foreigners when, in addition to satisfying the requirements indicated in the previous article, they accredit their status of "Inmigrado" except in the case of temporary license permits for tourists with sports-related intentions. Visitors/tourists (Visitante) do not have gun rights without a license. This license is only issued for "sporting purposes."
Charlie Drake's Avatar
Sounds like a recipe for a few retired marines to make a trip South!
joe bloe's Avatar
If Obama has his way, the US government will be confiscating our guns the way the Mexicans did to that Marine. In the next four years, Obama is very likely to choose one or more new Supreme Court justices. The second ammendment is in real danger.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-09-2012, 07:06 PM
you dont "register" a firearm and cross the brder ....if ANYONE doesnt have a Class 1,2,or 3 hunting license, ammo and or firearms are strictly prohibited. Going fishing and surfing with a shotgun ?

its Obamas fault he didnt have proper documentation. SNARK

if I remember correctly, if you (an american) LIVE in Mexico you can own a gun and keep it in your house for protection ... that gun must be registered and approved by the Federal Army .... under no circumstance can you take it outside the residence. You will be subject to whatever they decide to throw at you if you do and get caught.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What a fucking idiot. Blames Obama. Pitiful, bitter little man!

LMAAO@asswipe who should have stayed gone,
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-09-2012, 07:49 PM
anyone would think JD and his merry band of morons would quit soaking up the Beerfart swill like sponges ... apparently a sponge is smarter than they are.

la mordida
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I take it none of you read the story. Is it because you are illiterate?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I take it none of you read the story. Is it because you are illiterate? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
a lot of common ground
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Maybe if he had given his gun to a drug cartel to use on innocent Mexicans and Americans, Obama would have an interest in him. But an American crossing the border with a gun he intended to keep? Nope, that's a crime.

Isn't it amazing how the Obamatons on here will defend absolutely ANYTHING Obama does or does not do? I'm starting to think it is a genuine mental disorder.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
dipshit. You think if I read anything on Breitbart that I'd find it remotely credible?

read my lips ... Eat shit!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Its an unfortunate situation indeed. Welcome to Mexican government corruption, this happens every day at all levels, notice the ransom demand the family received. If anything is going to happen it will take some diplomatic intervention by the US.

With that said, the Mexican authorities are ultra strict on firearms AND ammunition coming into the country, and the forms this guy filled out are routinely dismissed/disregarded. These signs are posted prominently all over every border crossing I have ever been through, on the US side.

Its no different bringing a weapon into Canada, except they honor their importation forms.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-09-2012, 10:37 PM
I take it none of you read the story. Is it because you are illiterate? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

I take it you didnt bother to check mexcan gun laws before you soaked in the Beerfart swill ... facts debunk their bullshit everytime. Apparently you can read and write so you arent illeterate, just dumber than a sponge.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
CBJ7, why do you insist Americans in Mexico obey Mexican law, when you don't demand that Mexicans in the US illegally obey American law?

And why do you defend Americans giving Mexicans guns, but get upset when an American wants to keep his?

Why is that, CBJ7?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-09-2012, 10:46 PM
CBJ7, why do you insist Americans in Mexico obey Mexican law, when you don't demand that Mexicans in the US illegally obey American law?

And why do you defend Americans giving Mexicans guns, but get upset when an American wants to keep his?

Why is that, CBJ7? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

that must be some serious mind altering shit youre on sport