What small or unusual spot do you wish your lover would discover? Is there something specific you like done that just sends you right over the edge? On the back of my shoulder is a very small area. Touching it does nothing for me, caressing it, licking, nada. But, if it's bitten in just the right way, I go from 0 to 90 in about three seconds flat. Somehow, it connects my shoulder to my nipples to everything below my waist and sends this sensation up and down my spine. It makes me soaking wet, dizzy and completely weak in the knees.
What's your juicy, erogenous secret? Do you like to be licked behind your ears? Do you like your philtrum caressed? Do you like your legs scratched right after you shave? Does having your finger pulled take on a whole new meaning in the bedroom?
Come on, spill it folks! We promise not to tell...