looks like Trump has made a move to deal with the portland riots.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the son of a gun sent in the U.S. Marshalls and deputized the Oregon state police troopers. looks like they'll be making arrests and turning them over to the federal prosecutors. this action bypasses state and local prosecutors.

sheriffs from other towns refused to help, mainly Portland prosecutors won't prosecute rioters.


I thought the feds had this ability to deputize certain groups. dunno why they didn't do this earlier.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
the son of a gun sent in the U.S. Marshalls and deputized the Oregon state police troopers. looks like they'll be making arrests and turning them over to the federal prosecutors. this action bypasses state and local prosecutors.

sheriffs from other towns refused to help, mainly Portland prosecutors won't prosecute rioters.


I thought the feds had this ability to deputize certain groups. dunno why they didn't do this earlier. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

"The move is actually rather genius. It's surprising that it took this long to do. Maybe if troopers were cross deputized earlier this summer, the riots would have been done and over with by now."

Trump waited until now because it has maxim effect in the election stretch run. and he gave the DemTards enough rope to hang themselves 5 times over. all the while Biden jabbers and stammers like the idiot he is.

where was Joe? hiding in his basement. that video in Detroit is way they don't want him interacting with voters. he'll blow his top at the first question. i actually think this turd would hit a voter in camera. that's why they won't let this idiot senile old dog turd out of his basement longer than the time it takes for him to pinch a loaf .. and forget to wipe his ass.

Grace Preston's Avatar
Yep. He waited for maximum political effect-- because who cares about human lives and property when there's an election to win, right?
matchingmole's Avatar

real genius
rexdutchman's Avatar
Portland is just a example of what the dim-wits want for the country
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Yep. He waited for maximum political effect-- because who cares about human lives and property when there's an election to win, right? Originally Posted by Grace Preston

Does the Mayor of Portland care? Might just be busy house hunting.

Does the Governor of Oregon care?

Then there is the whole chain of command thing; If the Mayor of Portland can't git 'er dun, then the Governor can, but if the Governor don't, well then here you are Karen.
  • oeb11
  • 09-03-2020, 08:06 AM
I would remind Grace that national guard callout for Portland was offered by trump - and refused by the governor and mayor . Who then enabled and fomented the rioters in their own communities,
ted Wheeler was maced while telling protestor terrorists -- "I*m with You".
Trumps' hands were tied.

Another apologist post for the racist, narxist violence fomenting DPST's of Oregon????

Mayor and Governor - waited for maximum political effect-- because who cares about human lives and property when there's an election to win, right?
Yep. He waited for maximum political effect-- because who cares about human lives and property when there's an election to win, right? Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Hey, the mayor and DA had 70 days to take care of it and wouldn't. A day or two ago, the mob showed up at the Mayor's condo and shot fireworks into his high rise. Then the Sheriffs refused his calls for assistance.

The mayor's responsible for the timing.
  • oeb11
  • 09-03-2020, 03:10 PM
And implicit and complicit is gov kate Brown - another ardent marxist.
HoeHummer's Avatar

Watch out Portland! Here come the WSNDs!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Watch out Portland! Here come the WSNDs! Originally Posted by HoeHummer

why ape andymarksman???? sheesh. thats quite revealing in your case.
Budman's Avatar
Up until a week ago Biden and the LSM said there was only peaceful protest throughout the country. Maybe Trump took them at their word.
Up until a week ago Biden and the LSM said there was only peaceful protest throughout the country. Maybe Trump took them at their word. Originally Posted by Budman
an elected dimocrat has yet to say the name "antifa"

their support for this is more than telling
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
What's amazing is that the Dim's coddling the Proletariat that want a Dictatorship, is that the Dim's fail to realize they are driving all the centrist population to vote for the other candidate.
I just think of all the small business folks that have had their shops torn up. These are not millionaires that live elsewhere, these are folks within that specific community that will probably not get an insurance claim paid (riot exclusion) and will simply walk away, perhaps move out of the community, and leave a gutted closed business behind that leaves a hole in that community.