Please Spread The Word

Bentley Jetaun's Avatar
My email and Try***. accounts got hacked. You guys please spread the word. Someone changed all of the contact information on the Try***site. They are attempting to scam people for a deposit. I DO NOT ASK FOR DEPOSITS. Go on Try*** and report that ad. The scammer relocated me to Brooklyn, NY. I am based out of Albany. I can not believe someone would be so trifling.I was supposed to be in Rochester, NY today. Now the whole entire Rochester is going to think that I'm some bottom feeding scammer! Please type my name into the search engine on Try*** and report the ad. I feel like the more people report it the faster they will restore my ad. I do not want people getting scammed. That is not what I stand for. I have built my name and reputation from scratch. It's super annoying that people have stollen my pics + cut and pasted my ads word for word. I'm not thee prettiest girl nor am I the most elite. Be original and create your own image! I AM THEE ONLY BENTLEY JETAUN
Reported. Sorry, what a mess.
  • bam71
  • 03-28-2022, 01:22 PM
Reported. Hate this happened to you!
Bentley Jetaun's Avatar
I'm pretty sure the only thing that they have hacked was my email address and my Try*** account. I quickly changed passwords & information for my other accounts. I'm still posting on Twitter. I have to slowly build a new photo album. They may try to take my pics but thats because they have to. I can ALWAYS take new and better pictures.
I don't know who you use for email, and it's not likely you can get your old one back without exposing personal info, but make sure you turn on Two Factor Authentication on your next account, whether it is Gmail, or anything else, this way, even if they have your password, they cannot get in without the special codes you have access to.