What is Coming Sept 2015? Part 1 of 2

Found this link also about something big happening this year.


Coast to Coast is a great station you can find on Youtube with updated news about what is happening now.
Good evening, everyone. You’re in the right place at the right time. This is Coast to Coast AM. Blasting out of the Mojave Desert like a sirocco! Blazing across the land, into your town, into your home. Slamming into your radio like a supercharged nano particle of unobtainium."

"You’ve arrived at a nexus point, a crossroads of shadow and light, a phantasmic oracle market place of ideas and blasphemies, grand melting pot of cultures and subcultures, from the benign to the bizarre, all on the same path searching for breadcrumbs of cosmic understanding and hoping we’ll be able to follow the trail back to where we started. Greetings from the boldest, bawdiest most outrageous city in the world, the planetary capital of sun, fun, sin, sex and secrets, my not so humble hometown, Las Vegas, Nevada."

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Isn't that George Knapp's opening? Did Art Bell use it first? I love Coast to Coast. I wish they hadn't canned John B. Wells.

What's going to happen in September? Nothing. The Book of Revelation was written to give hope to Christians being persecuted by Nero. It is NOT prophecy. It is apocalyptic. There's a difference. We may get hit by an asteroid, but it won't be sent from God. The Roman version of Christianity provides for vengeance and destruction. Real Christianity does not.
Isn't that George Knapp's opening? Did Art Bell use it first? I love Coast to Coast. I wish they hadn't canned John B. Wells.

What's going to happen in September? Nothing. The Book of Revelation was written to give hope to Christians being persecuted by Nero. It is NOT prophecy. It is apocalyptic. There's a difference. We may get hit by an asteroid, but it won't be sent from God. The Roman version of Christianity provides for vengeance and destruction. Real Christianity does not. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Christianity can be very hypocritical, but so can the Vatican. The Vatican and very powerful people in government are now known to have many pedophiles amongs them. According to this video, this news was quickly downplayed in the mainstream news or not even shown. From everything I have learned from the internet, the Vatican is very corrupt. Didn't their religion start in Rome? I believe in spirituality and becoming aware of how we are all connected to one another. I believe that the earth is living in a negative state, which continues to demoralize, destroy, control, and conquer the human race. It takes a spiritually enlightened person to realize what is truly going on.

Spriritually enlightened ones seek out others who are the same. They simply do not listen to the lies and manipulation going on now.

I believe there are other dimensions in the universe, amongst other things, and so do several leading physicists, if you ask them. The universe is vast and we must open our eyes to all possibilities in order to overcome the negative forces surrounding our planet.
Spriritually enlightened ones seek out others who are the same. They simply do not listen to the lies and manipulation going on now. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Yeah, they listen to the lies and manipulations of YouTube videos instead.

So, when nothing happens in September 2015, will you finally SHUT your stupid pie hole and stop posting ridiculous conspiracy and doomsday threads?
I suppose if the Dinosaurs had paid more attention that Fukin' asteroid wouldn't have wiped them out.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Christianity can be very hypocritical, but so can the Vatican. The Vatican and very powerful people in government are now known to have many pedophiles amongs them. According to this video, this news was quickly downplayed in the mainstream news or not even shown. From everything I have learned from the internet, the Vatican is very corrupt. Didn't their religion start in Rome? I believe in spirituality and becoming aware of how we are all connected to one another. I believe that the earth is living in a negative state, which continues to demoralize, destroy, control, and conquer the human race. It takes a spiritually enlightened person to realize what is truly going on.

Spriritually enlightened ones seek out others who are the same. They simply do not listen to the lies and manipulation going on now.

I believe there are other dimensions in the universe, amongst other things, and so do several leading physicists, if you ask them. The universe is vast and we must open our eyes to all possibilities in order to overcome the negative forces surrounding our planet. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
The Vatican and organized Christianity in general is very corrupt. One might even call them Anti-Christ. I've heard it said that religion is for those who don't want to go to hell. Spirituality is for those who have been there.
Yes it is from George Knapp............I liked the old Coast To Coast, but George Noory, not so much.

I grew up listening to Long John Nebel (1960s); pretending to be asleep with the transistor radio quietly tuned into WMCA NY. Interesting, his late night radio was live with call-in listeners. No screener. You can imagine the mayhem, strangeness, and otherwise campy that ensued.

Isn't that George Knapp's opening? Did Art Bell use it first? I love Coast to Coast. I wish they hadn't canned John B. Wells.

.. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The Vatican and organized Christianity in general is very corrupt. One might even call them Anti-Christ. I've heard it said that religion is for those who don't want to go to hell. Spirituality is for those who have been there. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
In the bible, they are called "false prophets". The Vatican has much more knowlege about us and the universe than they will ever reveal. They own the "Hubble Telescope" which can see much farther into the universe. I have met several physicists who visit this area to study the universe. They have now confirmed that Planet Nibiru or Planet X is very real. I still cannot believe that so many do not open their eyes to see. I was never raised to be closed minded, but to be open minded and consider the possibilities. As I said before, the human race has been stuck in a negative state far too long. The military is being trained to kill, at all costs. They are programmed to be slaves for the industrial war complex.
In the bible, they are called "false prophets". The Vatican has much more knowlege about us and the universe than they will ever reveal. They own the "Hubble Telescope" which can see much farther into the universe. I have met several physicists who visit this area to study the universe. They have now confirmed that Planet Nibiru or Planet X is very real. I still cannot believe that so many do not open their eyes to see. I was never raised to be closed minded, but to be open minded and consider the possibilities. As I said before, the human race has been stuck in a negative state far too long. The military is being trained to kill, at all costs. They are programmed to be slaves for the industrial war complex. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
