
DiaanaNice's Avatar
I am a body rub provider. I am not FS but have lately been known to perform this maneuver where my chest (bra covered) rubs the front and groin of the client. I have a nasty rash on my chest now and I can't imagine what kind of @#$% can be contracted this way. is this just an allergy to an unclean skin or am I damaged goods?
AllThisMeat's Avatar
I'm not one to tell you your business, but I'm going to anyway...

If you are concerned enough about a rash that you think it MIGHT be an STD/STI, go to a doctor or nurse and have it looked at by someone. Asking random people on this board about a rash we can't see from a person you may or may not have contracted it from is not going to get you far with answers.

Besides... there are a lot of factors which lead to rashes which are NOT caused by an STD... allergic reaction... irritation to protein, pubic hair or stubble... soap allergy.

Any one of these things are highly more likely than that you contracted an STD from someone you saw within the past couple of days.
Heat Rash

I suggest go to cvs, walgreens or walmart and buy antibacterial soap "Cetaphil".

Rubbing skin on skin causes heat & friction, so you will get anothers body oils & dead skin on your body.

Cetaphil removes surface bacteria and oils.
Misawahawk's Avatar
Rashes can be caused by a variety of reasons. But primarily they are bacterial/fungal/viral infection, and allergic reaction. I'd go to a pharmacist and ask what they recommend over the counter. Most rashes will heal on its own provided you leave it alone (don't itch/spread it). If it's fungal then the OTC anti-fungal should take care of it quick. Bacterial/viral take time. Don't borrow trouble it may have been caused by a detergent. The pharmacist will give you a time frame to see the doctor.
Pics ?
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Sounds fungal/bacterial ... get/apply some miconazole nitrate %2 powder and see a doctor asap.
JRLawrence's Avatar
I am a body rub provider. I am not FS but have lately been known to perform this maneuver where my chest (bra covered) rubs the front and groin of the client. I have a nasty rash on my chest now and I can't imagine what kind of std can be contracted this way. is this just an allergy to an unclean skin or am I damaged goods? Originally Posted by DiaanaNice
Scabies is a highly contagious skin condition that may look to the non medical person like a rash. It is an infestation of a microscopic mite that burrows under the skin and multiplies. The condition can be painful and severe with a relentless itch. Contact with the gentile area is a common form of getting the mite. It is highly common with sexually active people. Some authorities consider it to be a sexually transmitted disease, but you don't have to have sex to get it; contact is enough.

The little things are damn ugly under a microscope, and highly irritating once they have begun to multiply under your skin.

I worked in a medical department in my youth and the way to treat this then was with a solution of the pesticide DDT applied to the skin to kill the little bastards. DDT has been banned from use as a pesticide since the book "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson (Al Gore, who wrote the book dedication for a much later reprint, missed the main point of the book that most of the problems with the application of DDT was because of the Government's rush to overuse it; what a political jack ass.)

I know that other drugs are available that can stop them. Go to your doctor or a dermatologist.

The reason I offer the suggestion that it might be scabies is your statement of a minor genial contact. That statement would make me suggest it could be scabies without a direct examination. With a strong magnifier you might see them, but they can get under your skin rapidly and literally.

Scabies are usually picked up through bedding or contact with contaminated clothing. The rash associated with scabies is usually localized to a small area, often circular.

Diane, contact dermatitis (skin allergy) is the most likely suspect, but without seeing the rash, even a doctor couldn't give you a specific diagnosis. If you are concerned, go to any local Walgreen's. Their health clinics are a lifesaver. The rates are reasonable and you are usually in and out within an hour. You can even go online and check out your waiting time before going.
Helicopter206's Avatar
How come she doesn't have any reviews, or have her VP account.
When she finds out what caused this issue, and it was a client, she needs to let the other providers know ASAP.
This might have put her out of work for awhile, this is not cool at all.
How come she doesn't have any reviews, or have her VP account.
When she finds out what caused this issue, and it was a client, she needs to let the other providers know ASAP.
This might have put her out of work for awhile, this is not cool at all. Originally Posted by Helicopter206
She has no reviews because no one has reviewed her. She doesn't have VP status because of no reviews or no one has vouched for her.

And just posting this thread will most likely put her out of work for awhile.

Diaana, listen to ladies here and get this checked out. If it is something that you did get from a client, send one the ladies a PM and she can notify us privately. Best of Luck
The DarkSide's Avatar
OMG so many options, I did stay at a Holiday Inn afterall and qualified to answer this question, ok here is my opinion:

It's the first signs of you turning into a Zombie, don't fret go to Kansas colonies of them there!
JRLawrence's Avatar
Scabies are usually picked up through bedding or contact with contaminated clothing. The rash associated with scabies is usually localized to a small area, often circular.

Diane, contact dermatitis (skin allergy) is the most likely suspect, but without seeing the rash, even a doctor couldn't give you a specific diagnosis. If you are concerned, go to any local Walgreen's. Their health clinics are a lifesaver. The rates are reasonable and you are usually in and out within an hour. You can even go online and check out your waiting time before going. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
All of the above statements can be true. However, a full blown case of the mites can be very painful. Scabies is a parasite, called the itch mite of humans. The skin disease is commonly referred to as the seven year itch. The Females, 0.33 mm. to 0.45 mm. in length by 0.35 mm. in width. Males are half that size. The females are the most irritating.
" These mites prefer surfaces of the body where the skin is less thick, such as the breast, penis, shoulder blades, or between the fingers. Nevertheless, they do infect other parts of the body. Irritation to the host is caused by the burrowing of the mites, particularly females, and by the secretion and excretion of toxic substances within the host's epidermis. The irritation is often complicated by scratching and secondary infections…. Each female oviposts from 10 to 25 eggs at 2 to 3 day intervals for about 2 months, after which she perished"
"The Biology of Animal Parasites" by Thomas C. Cheng, Ph.D
W.B. Saunders Company 1964. See pages 539 to 541.
In other words each female that you get on your body will produce about 420 offspring in two months, who will each product about 420 offspring each in another two months. One female can produce an average of 176,000 little mites shitting under your skin in about four months.

Varieties of Sarcoptes scabies occur on domestic animals, each causing a skin condition known as mange. There are different species that are found on pigs, horses, cows and dogs. The variety on dogs (var.canis) is transmittable to man.

You made me get out an old text book (I paid $73.50 for the thing in 1964: still have the price tag at the front of the book. The paragraphs on S. scabies is still marked in the margin with a red line, meaning: KNOW THIS SECTION FOR THE EXAM.

But, not only have I studied this. I have seen it and treated it. It can be small and circular in the first stages of the irritation. But it can rapidly be blown way beyond a small infestation.

Because, it can be easily transmitted and likes to reside on the penis and the breast one should pay attention to any rash that develops in this area. I have not been involved with a medical treatment facility in over 45 years, but I remember this little parasite because it connected the text book with actual human suffering.
Helicopter206's Avatar
JRLawrence's Avatar
http://www.medicinenet.com/scabies/page5.htm check out photo, for common sites.

http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&key...l_28kp57bkkp_b Originally Posted by Helicopter206

Thanks, very good pictures and in color. I still have a habit of turning to my books before the net. The thing to remember about this little bug is: if you see anything like this on a penis or breast, scabies is suspected because of the soft skin in this area.

None of us know what the rash looks like except the one with the problem. But we should all be aware of this little mite.

Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 11-19-2013, 10:45 AM
None of us know what the rash looks like except the one with the problem. But we should all be aware of this little mite.

JR Originally Posted by JRLawrence
I hate you...my nuts itch now!