Cumming Together

There was this one young lady years ago with whom I had this connection. We eventually broke up because each of us were so singularly focused on being the best in our profession and too strong-willed (often referred as being 'opinionated') that it eroded the relationship. But there was something about us when it came to sex. We seemed connected on every level and able to anticipate what it was going to take to get one another to cum. To this day, some 30+ years later I cannot recall another woman that has so often shared an orgasm with me. By that I do not mean that each of us came during a session. I mean that we came at the same time..simultaneously so that we each enjoyed feeling the other's pleasure as we experienced our own. I've had that pleasure with other women too, but never as often or with so much frequency.

Is it 'that' uncommon to share that with a lover?

Had that in a couple of relationships...we were simply very tuned in to each others needs sexually. One of the ladies, truly turned out to be "the one that got away." Regret letting the relationship go to this day. Oh well, I digress.

Was lots of fun when it happened, but the debate in both cases was always whether we missed anything by climaxing together, versus taking the time to enjoy each others own individual climax. In the end, sometimes we arrived together, other times we enjoyed each others individual experience. Of course then the debate was "Ok, who goes first!" LOL It sure was nice to have the option...

mikahranae's Avatar
I have experienced "cumming together" as you put it, with only a few people. I think it is the best thing ever, but I do think it is pretty uncommon.
For her, she needed to be on top with me all the way inside while we ground together and stimulated her clit. Her breathing pattern was the first indication that she was reaching a peak when it began getting shallow and more vocalized which was when I knew it was time to grab her ass in my hands and start pounding. She'd either start cumming or lean over for me to suck her nipples, at which point the pounding started getting to me too and if we were in sync we'd both go over the edge together.
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
Had lots of that back in my college days with "the one that got away". Good luck finding that in the hobby.
Black Sedan's Avatar
Ahhh. I learned about self-control with my ex-wife to share that experience time and time again. The challenge being thrown down by her to see if I could was a worthy goal to train towards. It wouldn't have occurred to me if she hadn't mentioned how good it was, everyone should at least be aware that its worth a shot.
elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
Ahhh. I learned about self-control with my ex-wife ...everyone should at least be aware that its worth a shot. Originally Posted by Black Sedan
I agree with B. Sedan. If you want to do this without having a connection you just need to train yourself for it. Try learning the practice of Kama Sutra or just practice breathing.

You will find taking the time to get in tune with yourself...will allow you to get in harmony with any partner you desire....and then sync your climaxxx. It's a beautiful thing...but lack requires practice. And man do I love to practice with as many as I can afford.
Black Sedan's Avatar
I agree with B. Sedan. If you want to do this without having a connection you just need to train yourself for it. Try learning the practice of Kama Sutra or just practice breathing. Originally Posted by elpocitopolloloco
Haha, nice way to imply I didn't have a connection with my SO! Maybe I was going about it all wrong - usually making sure she was satisfied before I let myself completely go. But eventually you learn to be on the cusp while she is almost ready, and then go... I think that's 'having a connection'
berkleigh's Avatar
OMG...I love that feeling.

The connection and intimacy is incredible.

I share that bond with only 2.
There was this one young lady years ago with whom I had this connection. We eventually broke up because each of us were so singularly focused on being the best in our profession and too strong-willed (often referred as being 'opinionated') that it eroded the relationship. But there was something about us when it came to sex. We seemed connected on every level and able to anticipate what it was going to take to get one another to cum. To this day, some 30+ years later I cannot recall another woman that has so often shared an orgasm with me. By that I do not mean that each of us came during a session. I mean that we came at the same time..simultaneously so that we each enjoyed feeling the other's pleasure as we experienced our own. I've had that pleasure with other women too, but never as often or with so much frequency.
Is it 'that' uncommon to share that with a lover?
Originally Posted by txcwby6

I can share, that with a client, if the connection is there.
Half of the ladies, lovers are clients, to someone else believe me, that's how this business roll.
Bestman200600's Avatar
When you both cum at the same time you know your doing things right!
Mister Tudball's Avatar
It is great when that happens. Somehow the connection and overall experience is much deeper. I guess I've been very fortunate in that regard. I can think of five women right off the top of my head that climaxing together was the norm and not the exception. Although, much of that was in my younger years. *sigh*