love/dependence from a provider

beachcomber's Avatar
Had a situation recently. Saw a provider at her place and had a good time with her. I trusted her, so our second visit was outcall to my place, a good time also, tho' some boyfriend, money, car drama was revealed by her. She began calling me her "white knight" in this visit.

I made the decision to not call her again. Shortly after calls and texts started arriving, asking where I had been. I ignored these and have not had any more for over a month, but I'm worried that in a crazy moment she will remember where I live and show up!

How could I have handled ending the biz (for biz it was) with her in a different way? Could use some advice here for the future.

Thanks in advance to the pros on this board.

Donnie Brasco's Avatar
Maybe to begin with, by not doing an outcall to your place. Safety should be #1 priority in this hobby. Don't think I'd like to have anyone know where I live or work in this hobby. Hopefully she won't spazz out on you and move on.
Saturn's Avatar
Second on the not doing the outcall at your place - Many proivders have tons of drama in their life and you don't want it spilling into your real life.

You need to minimize any real information about you with providers.
Hobbyfun's Avatar
#1 Change your phone number
#2 Get a new place to live
#3 She probably seen your car so sell it and get a bicycle
#4 Change you hair style
#5 Get glasses and if you have glasses get contacts
#6 Chop your left arm off in case she see's you someplace she will not recognize you.

Other than that your probably fucked.
-Hobbyfun, that was priceless! LMAO!!

But on a serious note:

Maybe if she calls you again, you could send her a text message acting like you're a Female and say something like "WHO IS THIS CALLING/TEXTING MY BOYFRIEND (and/or HUSBAND)?" Maybe that will scare her off a bit and get her off of your trail....

Then in an email (afterwords) you could politely let her know that you've found someone and she may have gotten ahold of your phone. Also that you have decided to take a break from the hobby for those reasons, etc. etc.

Just a female provider's perspective. That would back me off of ANYONE QUICK! ...but then again, I would NOT be stalking anyone either...

Txh64's Avatar
  • Txh64
  • 03-18-2010, 02:47 PM
Or better yet email her and tell her your girlfriend just got out of jail and is wanting to know who keeps calling/texting you.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
I can't think of any reason why ( other than basic screening info) a provider needs to know ANYTHING about your personal life. I don't care if you lie to me, so what?

IF I ask what you do, make something up...but it better be funny!

I wouldn't worry too much about it, most likely she just wanted your money. You don't owe anyone an explanation either way.
I can't think of any reason why ( other than basic screening info) a provider needs to know ANYTHING about your personal life. I don't care if you lie to me, so what?

IF I ask what you do, make something up...but it better be funny!

I wouldn't worry too much about it, most likely she just wanted your money. You don't owe anyone an explanation either way. Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
And this is very true. Alot of ladies' approach to meeting a good friend is different. If you had indicated to her that you're single, she most likely feels like contacting you this way was okay. She is probabaly blissfully unaware of her unprofessionalism, given the way she communicates.
Meeting guys who repeat are a good thing to any lady, and I'm pretty sure that she thought you would be a regular for her. Some ladies are unaware that hard luck stories are not a turn-on for every guy, but of course there are gents who patronize a lady for just that reason. I forgot who said this on the D&T board, but it rings so true to me: treat your man like an ATM, and your man will treat you like a whore.
Damn, it'd take quite a bit more than a fun fuck for $ to let my guard down enough to invite her over to where I live! Maybe after many, many, many, many sessions elsewhere and a certain level of trust in one another would I think about it. Sorry..been there done that with a psycho girlfriend tat jaded me for life and have the scar on my right knee to prove it! I prefer incall or hotel meets. It's easier and doesn't carry with it the threat of some crazed psycho-hooker-Daddy-babe standing outside of my house.