Why not have two sided review capability?

Why not bust the mold a little and allow for providers to review hobbyists? Seems it might accomplish a couple of things.

1) help with screening. Enlightens the providers a little more with what they might expect.
2) streamline some of the shitty alerts into something that just sits in a review.
3) kind of helps those guys that are minus the rep of your longer existent hobbyists.
4) takes away the excuse of "I had no clue he would ask for that" okay I am fishing on this one😉

Who knows? There are four hundred reasons for every one of mine to not do this.

Retaliatory reviews and the like.
Bullshit reviews based on questions rather than actions.

But with some rules, it could prove to be beneficial for both sides
This subject has been brought up before.

One very good reason not to is because the providers do not pay the guys. But believe me, the ladies do review the BCD skills and treatment they receive from the guys, just not out in the open.

I would not be apposed to the providers having an area of a guy's review of her to notate that she did or did not see the reviewer and even give a one sentence comment if she chose to do so. Doing that MAYBE would shut up some of the guys who post the snarky remarks under/about reviews as well as possibly weed out the ad and fake reviews.
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Some of us would never get another appointment.
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  • BLM69
  • 06-22-2016, 02:25 PM
Eccie for the clents NOT providers
Yeah I get it, it is for the clients. Guess what?? You develop a rep that is not dependent upon whether sone busy bitch answers her phone or not to give you a reference, you might get that appointment that you otherwise wouldn't.

Seems to me that this is more or less a marketplace because if it was clients only what the fuck are providers doing here in the first place?
BLM meant to say that Eccie is suppose to be for the guys to get and share intel on providers with reviews, back channel info, ect. to determine if they want to see and spend their money on them. Eccie is for providers to advertise their services, not to review clients.

What Eccie is and has become, well, that is for another thread.

Providers reviewing clients out in the open is a bad idea and if they told the truth, many would probably lose income and some clients would quit the hobby.
BLM meant to say that Eccie is for the guys to get and share intel on providers with reviews, back channel info, ect. to determine if they want to see and spend their money on them. Eccie is for providers to advertise their services, not to review clients.

What Eccie has become, well, that is for another thread. Originally Posted by davidfree986

Didn't really need a translator on that one but obviously my point is going to get lost in eccie drama.

Fact of the matter is I am sure I am not the only one that has been turned down a few times due to references not responding. That translates to me not lowering my standards and ultimately beating off that night and a lonely provider sonewhere 300.00 - 1200.00 lighter on funds than she should be.

But whatever, I am really not married to this idea and have 3 more bucket list items before I bounce out of the hobby all together. However, I was thinking that a properly governed system could prove to have some utility to both sides.
  • grean
  • 06-22-2016, 03:00 PM
There are pay sites like p411.
Eccie for the clents NOT providers Originally Posted by BLM69
This exactly why the site was started. Just ask st chris though in truth, both sides need each other for the site to survive. Argue all you want about it , but the guys pay and use the site to share information in many ways to spend it. When the providers start paying us, they can have a formal way to review us.

How many businesses allow the seller to review the buyer? . Not many.
This exactly why the site was started. Just ask st chris though in truth, both sides need each other for the site to survive. Argue all you want about it , but the guys pay and use the site to share information in many ways to spend it. When the providers start paying us, they can have a formal way to review us.

How many businesses allow the seller to review the buyer? . Not many. Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing

One of the most successful?


And I am not saying you have to go into detail like we do but a simple series of yes/no answers could work.

Arrive on time?
Paid up?

Done and done.

But seriously I am on to the next topic now.
There are pay sites like p411. Originally Posted by grean
There are providers who can assure you Gina is fair but she makes most her money from the guys and she protects her money source. P411 does not have reviews. All the o.k.s do is confirm the guy saw the provider. Thats it. And the provider is REQUIRED to give it with only a very few exceptions. The guys can give a star rating to a provider but thats it. . Both sides still have to due their due diligence.
One of the most successful?


And I am not saying you have to go into detail like we do but a simple series of yes/no answers could work.

Arrive on time?
Paid up?

Done and done.

But seriously I am on to the next topic now. Originally Posted by Chalupagrande
And they allow NO negative feedback about the buyer, no matter how bad the buyer is. its positive feedback or nothing.That is not true feedback or rating of the customer.Ebay protects the money, the customer. . Its a very one sided system.

. Its exactly the same as here. The buyer rates the seller not the other way around
Let the mayhem begin.
Do we really want to know what the ladies think of us?

As with any business there are going to be customers you deal with as you gladly take their money but don't have to like them.

Do you really want to find out you are the one the women don't like or the one who is a lousy lay? Do that and all the delusions in our minds evaporate.

Because in my mind I am a perfect sex machine, why would I want to know the truth? LOL
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  • BLM69
  • 06-22-2016, 03:34 PM
Let the mayhem begin.
Do we really want to know what the ladies think of us? Originally Posted by dallaswill
I already know what they think of us LOL