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I do not know who Helicopter206 is, but he is not any client of mine! He posted some false information accusing me of having been an escort in the past. He is clearly not well versed on my past and what he is saying is just a bold faced lie. Perhaps there is someone else using my name, or someone who spells it differently?? I have no idea! All I know is this "John" going by the handle of Helicopter206 isn't my client and never will be. I viewed his other posts and he is clearly someone who seek out sex for money. I will spank you, but I do not sell sex for money.
I have tried relentlessly to have his post removed due to its damaging nature, but to no avail. I am being told it is protected under free speech. Well, here is my free speech in action, baby. http://portiaspanksredbottomblog.blo...questions.html
I am now going to a no review policy so that liars such as Helicopter206 can be sifted out and exposed. I am a huge advocate of confidentiality, but from this day forward if any client that feels the need to breach that code of conduct and post a review or remarks of any kind (positive or negative) related to an appointment or our business associations with me, can no longer hold me to my end of that confidentiality agreement. I will then expose you to a review of your physical appearance and other personal details that I might have learned about you during your appointment. You will also be blacklisted and never visit me again, or several others in this area who refer to this blacklist for information on bad behavior. Any smart person is going to want to avoid such exposure, so that should pretty much leave us with people like Helicopter206 who have nothing to lose or risk because he's never been a client and never will be.
I am also thinking of starting another website where providers of all types, can write reviews about their clients or or about anyone they want as well! Since you boys think it is appropriate to talk about our physical assets and what happens in an appointment, I feel that your provider should be given the same right of "free speech" as you, which may in turn damage your reputation, business, marriage or your life in general, in the process. It's all in the name of free speech, right honey? Oh, and just so you know, the girls will be listing your "down low" email and phone number for all to see as well. I believe that is fair!
You can send thanks to Helicopter206 and for their part in making this turn of events necessary.
Is this a joke?? First off, you're on an ESCORT site sweetheart. Secondly, you have three reviews and they are each done by a brand new member EACH time. So youre 'legitness' is questionable, but you shouldn't be a member on here or ANYWHERE else if you're threatening to expose peoples appearances and identities. And lastly, he said he THOUGHT you used to be an escort. If you are this defensive over that then maybe what he said is spot on... You need to get more thick-skinned if you're going to be advertising your paddling services on an escort board. And your blog??? What a joke. You're trying to incriminate Helicopter and go after this site?? What are you drinking? It's gotta be some good shit if you think you're that BAD. I personally think you should be banned as you haven't the slightest idea what discretion is. Please go start your own site! Who fuckin threatens to ruin peoples marriages, jobs, and personal lives?? I say we BAN you and you can go paddle somewhere else. This is better than any talk show!
Precisely my point! This is an escort site and I am not an escort, but because I do something in the adult industry I am therefore told I am subject to reviews HERE! That is total crap yet because eccie claims it to be "free speech" it is supposed to make it all okay. Well, having my reputation damaged by this is not okay. I have never worked in the adult industry before last year, not as an escort or anything else! Of course I am pretty ticked about being accused of it!!!
If you open up an adult toy shop and therefore are now in a form of adult business you could get reviewed here as a front for escorts, hookers or a place to get a handy and you apparently have no recourse. It may damage your business reputation as well as your personal reputation, but hey, that's okay because........because why? You tell me!
Uumm yea, ANY lady in the adult entertainment business is subject to reviews. Your reviews arent new so why the big fuss over it NOW?? And how in the hell did one persons comment ruin your business? Maybe you should inform your guys to not review you. You're mad at Helicopter but he isn't the one who reviewed you. Your entire bitch and moan story seems 'off' to me. Handle the situation like a PROFESSIONAL ADULT and say something along the lines of....... "Hey guys, I appreciate the nice reviews and kind comments, (as nobody said anything negative about you.) But I just wanted to set the record straight on the services I DO and DO NOT OFFER." You're hurting your own business by flipping the fuck out and threatening to 'OUT' everybody. And your behavior is vendictive, which will turn all guys away from you in a heartbeat.
I completely agree with Gemma..

Didn't you go by Nurse Stacy before?
So does that mean this "bbbj" review is false too?
Its based on your phone number (apparantely your name is Brianna in this one):

Threatening to out our men is not cool. Nobody said anything bad about you, if he made an incorrect assumption there are MUCH better ways to handle it than threatening peoples reputations and marriages. Even thinking of saying something like that in such a discreet and personal business is a HUGE red flag.
Count me OUT of this proposed website you speak of! I've held onto a lot of secrets for a long time that I will take to the grave with me. If you don't like this site and don't want to be associated with it then close your account and start providing "in secret". Good luck, doll.
Wow just wow...threatening to out anyone is a major concern...

Let me ask you this...How would you feel if a client threatened to out you to your family and friends about what you do sex or no sex?
Would you be ok with that?

Get a clue
I bet Helicopter fixed her car also, and this his how he gets repayed?
Lol. I think somebody just needs a real stress reliver. For 200 ill come over and take care of that for ya.
reorox's Avatar
soooooo what are you getting at ? You think youre better than an escort cause you only get paid to spank people ? grow up..... and get off eccie, we don't want you here anyways.
dirty dog's Avatar
Honestly, I kind of agree with her, I mean lets face it we all know that Helicopter runs his mouth when he shouldnt, he thinks he is the Columbo of the ECCIE world. How come his name is always popping up in this crap.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Is this a joke?? First off, you're on an ESCORT site sweetheart. Secondly, you have three reviews and they are each done by a brand new member EACH time. So youre 'legitness' is questionable, but you shouldn't be a member on here or ANYWHERE else if you're threatening to expose peoples appearances and identities. And lastly, he said he THOUGHT you used to be an escort. If ........I personally think you should be banned as you haven't the slightest idea what discretion is. ....... Originally Posted by Gemma34
Wow girl, I missed this. The idea of a paying someone to spank a guy is so repulsive, and I think a guy who would pay for that is just weird. Why do they do that, I just don't get it; so I just passed over this stuff. But, thanks for mentioning that the three reviews were done by new members. I looked it up: they all posted just the one review within a few days of joining.

Wow, the probability of that happing three times is so remote that it is almost impossible. Just too many matching circumstances. Yes, I have worked in the field of statistics and probability theory. Just look it up and do some reading if you doubt the statement.

This is an example of manipulation and control by someone who hates others. Look up the definition of a sociopath.

This is a woman that we all need to watch, and be aware of.

When I was in the Marine Corps, there were always one or two guys in the outfit who everyone watched because we all knew that sooner or later that guy would do something really strange, strange enough that others could be hurt. We watch the one percent people so that they don't hurt us.

In short, do your homework before you call a lady; if you want a lady who will treat you nicely.

JR, I feel the same as you. As AF SP, we did a lot of training with the Marines and that is something we learned...ALWAYS pay attention to the innocent acting ones that DO act a little strange. Eventually it pays off to be observant of them. Her post was so 'off' I decided to check things out.... and I find it hard to believe what she's saying because things just dont add up when you check it out. I think there is more to the story than what she is ranting and raving about but who knows with this crazy board!!?! Lol!
bartipero's Avatar
..... As AF SP, we did a lot of training with the Marines and that is something we learned...ALWAYS pay attention ... Originally Posted by Gemma34
I know I will. Anyone in Recon with a paddle--we're watching YOU now. Lol
I know I will. Anyone in Recon with a paddle--we're watching YOU now. Lol Originally Posted by bartipero
Haha, you're funny.