No, there is no negotiating.

Recently a newbie left me a review that was lovely. He was a sweet man even surprised I was nice to him when we met.
A response left by someone mentioned that "Newbies shouldn't pay so much and that they should learn to negotiate".
What exactly is being negotiated I ask? "My time"? The time required of by said negotiator mind you. This isn't a carpet installation or car sale. For anyone who would think to ask for a break, I would ask that you just not bother to contact me. I don't even have to ask how many girls support this and I know there are gentleman that feel the same. Our time is priceless in fact and for anyone haggling a provider from 300-400 to half hours she doesn't already offer to car dates ...she never mentioned...then the that John clearly is just daft and inconsiderate. Even denigrating. I have met some great people in these crossroads and remained close and even formed long bonds with them. I have definitely given repeats or just cool men breaks as well as become a confidant. That is with trust and consideration however, same as it goes in real life. That applies in this realm as well. We are not obligated to lower out worth for anyone especially those who would even ask. PLEASE remember who is seeking who and keep it simple. If you're pissed at the world, your childhood or how many cats you have to feed, it's not our fault. No girl should have to negotiate her time unless, and this is creed, she doesn't act or demonstrate her worth. While I empathize with both side here because I have heard of experiences men face, let's not use bad experiences as a reason to Haggle for the Goods. The same goods that clearly are important enough to power up an entire site. Let's act like a women created you OK ? Jeez Thank you to those who act like a upright walking human all the time.
All levels of escorts are dicount.Clients paying for no strings attached and paying for escorts to leave.It depend on escorts want to cash in on lower rate.Doesn't matter if it's newbie or not.
  • katee
  • 09-09-2016, 12:17 PM
I always find it offensive when someone asks me for a discount. We offer a service, same as ones physician. Would these same people say to their dentist or Doctor, "I've had a bad experience with a Dentist before so could you see me today for 100 instead of your normal 200 office visit" ?
I understand there are things in life that are negotiable, however my time is not one of them.
I had a regular who I had seen for right at 3 years. He would call about every other month, he always paid the hourly rate. He called me and we had a meeting about a month ago, and while usually I always put the donation away while he's getting more comfortable, I didn't worry about it with him. Lesson learned... After the fact when he was getting ready to leave he asked "is 180
Okay today ?" I didn't respond at all, as I quite frankly was a little surprised. Needless to say, he lost a good provider, and I lost someone I truly enjoyed. I will never see him again as it was wrong. While some may suggest I discuss it with him next time he calls, I see no need. It just frees up that time for a gentleman who understands my value.
How would a gentleman like it after her paid for an hour of my time, only for me to say... Oh, will 15 minutes be okay today?
I'm a no nonsense kind of lady. My donations are set, I provide a great experience, try to work with their schedule, but asking for a discount in my opinion is like me messing with their paycheck. I'm sure it wouldn't go over very well.
I gave a reference on a gentleman one time. I was his first. He was very pleasant, and brought me a nice gift. She later contacted me and he had tried to neogotiate with her. I contacted him and explained for him to never give me as a reference again, because him trying to neogotiate with her made me look bad. After we discussed the situation, I'd venture a guess that he will never ask for a discount from anyone ever again!
Everything!! Don't kid yourself....

Choosing whether to try to negotiate or not is a personal decision made by your potential clientele. Merely saying or posting "There is no negotiating" does nothing other than scaring away potential business that could be gained at a lower price point. So, if you're not interested and it is your business plan (personal decision) not to adjust your price point - That's fine.

But you can't eliminate the practice just by saying there is none - that's silly - plenty of ladies see the value in being flexible. Nice try, though....

Thanks for your input - I'm sure you'll do fine as long as you can convince enough guys that your price is a bargain relative to others and non-negotiable - it seems you've already convinced yourself.
I never negotiate. In booking I may ask you if your showcase or ad is current, which how I confirm the expected donation. If I thought your listed donation was too much I wouldn't be getting in touch with you. There have been times when a provider quoted a rate lower than her ad before I could ask; I figure she's going through a slow spell and I got lucky. I'm not saying other guys should do this, it's just the way I go about it. Obviously asking for a discount works often enough that some guys are gonna keep doing it.
Agreed. It makes a client sound cheap.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-09-2016, 03:55 PM
Everything!! Don't kid yourself.... Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
This comes up often.

So, please honestly answer me if you would:

--Of the last 10 nice restaurants you ate at for the first time, how many of those did you ask the waiter/waitress, "I want the prime rib, but I only want to pay $20, not $30. Deal?" How often did they say, "Sure!"

--Of the last 10 trips to the grocery store did you look at the total and tell the cashier, "That's too much. I'll give you $50 and let's call it even." And their reaction?
Contralto's Avatar
Since the earliest days of this board we've watched this conversation play out a thousand different ways. On one hand, the White Knights come running into the thread declaring that every lady is worth her asking price and that all should be cherished, treasured, and tipped well. They are met at the city gate by the capitalists who bring their friends 'market forces' into the game with them, demanding that everything is negotiable and that without the downward market pressure introduced by pioneering hobbyists through negotiation that the CPI--the Consumer Pussy Index--will go through the roof.

And every poster has thought his a novel thought.

In the end every hobbyist is different. Every lady has her way. Some ladies and gentlemen negotiate. Some don't. Some find it distasteful, some find it challenging. Like everything else in this amazing hobby we all have a preference. It's what makes life exciting.

As for me, never negotiated. Ever. I find ladies of my liking with rates within my budget. And we talk about things other than money. Life's too short not to enjoy this thing we do. Do it, friends, and quit haggling over the price. It's pretty simple, really. And if she provides you with a session beyond your expectations you can do one of two things: either return over and over and over again or tip. Either way, she's liable to be happy. And so will you.

All the best, folks. It's going to be a great weekend.
off subject, but, you CAN negotiate with docs and dentists, not directly, but through billings, insurance or not it saves ALOT of money, especially when hopsitals wanna charge $800+ for a lab test you could get across the street for $200.... Not with girls tho, ;-) Go across the street in hobby and get what u pay for ;-)
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
This comes up often.

So, please honestly answer me if you would:

--Of the last 10 nice restaurants you ate at for the first time, how many of those did you ask the waiter/waitress, "I want the prime rib, but I only want to pay $20, not $30. Deal?" How often did they say, "Sure!"

--Of the last 10 trips to the grocery store did you look at the total and tell the cashier, "That's too much. I'll give you $50 and let's call it even." And their reaction?
Originally Posted by Old-T
On that tangent, many of those grocery stores and luxury item stores say "We price match." Now...that's because brick and mortar stores are trying to stay competitive with internet competition, but I couldn't let your analogy go unmolested.
Again, there is no negotiations. Only those who try and of course, get upset when you have made a choice to stick to your guns. As I said in my original post, I have given breaks to those I have become comfortable with. The initial approach of "hey got any deals..."? Is so offensive and off putting I don't get how any girl would want to deal with given the circumstances. If allowed to do so, the trend continues like anything else allowed.
I don't need to kid anyone to think the way I do. If other providers want to negotiate, they can. "My" point was for "My opinion". When someone tells my client they are paying too much, that is a ridiculous call on a strangers part and has nothing to do with negotiating rather antagonistic and sounds personal. So my clients post a review on me that's positive, and a random perks felt he paid to much. It's a demean that is ever present in these sites. Please, let's not carry over lower character into false intentions.
Thank you. Very well said. I appreciate your input but as you see, there will be those complicating and twisting this subject till it bleeds and for what? To make themselves feel better about the fact that they apparently dig for deals. There a lot of cool men here. Then there's those who are not so happy and want us to deal with that. This runs it's course via asking for breaks as well. Like one fellow below mentioned, if a girl isn't in his donation range , he doesn't bother and I like that approach. This post wasn't about all girls. It was about my outlook and those who have shared it. I don't get how anyone feels it's wrong
There have been times when a provider quoted a rate lower than her ad before I could ask Originally Posted by RafaelH
This happens to me all the time. I have never negotiated or paid a lady less than what she asked, but I don't think I've ever paid exactly the advertised amount either. Regardless what they claim, I don't think any ladies have fixed rates. Most show no sign of even knowing what their advertised rate was.
This comes up often.

So, please honestly answer me if you would:

--Of the last 10 nice restaurants you ate at for the first time, how many of those did you ask the waiter/waitress, "I want the prime rib, but I only want to pay $20, not $30. Deal?" How often did they say, "Sure!"

--Of the last 10 trips to the grocery store did you look at the total and tell the cashier, "That's too much. I'll give you $50 and let's call it even." And their reaction?
Originally Posted by Old-T
Bad analogy. Neither the waiter nor the cashier has any control whatever over the price, nor does their income depend on the price. Otherwise they would bring the prime rib to your table, let you have a bite, then whisk it away and demand an extra $10...