Finer things in life.

Zena's Avatar
  • Zena
  • 12-31-2020, 05:28 PM
What are the finer things in life to you??
Is it things?
A brand new expensive
car or SUV or truck or
Diamond ring ?
Or is it
A special person in
Your life.
New years Eve~ Im spending a little time pondering
The finer things or
Best things in life.

Happy New Years!
Love, Zena ♡
I struggle with the finer things in life. I can afford them, but find it attracts unwanted attention.

I used to live in one of the nicest neighborhoods in my area. In the three years I lived in that neighborhood my car was stolen once, knocked out the rear window four times (stole the stock stereo 2X), the change out of the console, and a few dress shirts out of my car.

Upon buying the Lexus, someone keyed the car, and then when parked in a parking lot at the mall someone sideswiped the car causing 2600$ in damages.

I since have moved to lower middle income neighborhood, drive a Prius and haven't had a problem with theft in the past 7 years.

Luxury items are super nice but also attract a lot of unwanted attention.
winn dixie's Avatar
Dr. Pepper
fried pies
pfunkdenver's Avatar
A loving, caring, demonstrative partner, who also accepts love and care, with joy!

I'd rather be broke, with a true love, than rich and lonely!
When you have nice cars in any area you must have a garage for safety.
I went to visit a friend in Houston she lives in a real nice area her sister was visiting as well and the 2 other cars was all parked at her house 5 cars total. My vehicle was the nicest all the other ones was all old clunkers. A few teenagers decided to go egging cars and houses guess which car got egged out the 5? Yep mine,. no I personally was not a target just my nice ride.

I struggle with the finer things in life. I can afford them, but find it attracts unwanted attention.

I used to live in one of the nicest neighborhoods in my area. In the three years I lived in that neighborhood my car was stolen once, knocked out the rear window four times (stole the stock stereo 2X), the change out of the console, and a few dress shirts out of my car.

Upon buying the Lexus, someone keyed the car, and then when parked in a parking lot at the mall someone sideswiped the car causing 2600$ in damages.

I since have moved to lower middle income neighborhood, drive a Prius and haven't had a problem with theft in the past 7 years.

Luxury items are super nice but also attract a lot of unwanted attention. Originally Posted by Fizley
Cavalier Gentleman's Avatar
The finer things in life...

At my age, a loving woman to hold me close at night in bed as we fall asleep in each others arms. Enough resources to not worry about paying for my next meal. A loving family that accepts me as I am and not judging me for my indiscretions..
Zena's Avatar
  • Zena
  • 02-09-2021, 01:23 PM
Yes ....Very true.
jajake56's Avatar
Well said. Amen to all three.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Finer things in life is time.

All the money in the world and no time seems useless to me

Retired at 45 years old, have a girlfriend of eight years I met when she was 18 and time to enjoy life.

That, is the finer thing in life.
A loving, caring, demonstrative partner, who also accepts love and care, with joy!

I'd rather be broke, with a true love, than rich and lonely! Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
I'd rather be rich. I'm sure I could find many women easily in such a situation.
JRLawrence's Avatar
I'd rather be rich. I'm sure I could find many women easily in such a situation. Originally Posted by I Love Freedom
Being rich makes finding a woman more difficult: you want them to desire you, not your money.
KalyEscort's Avatar
Nothing is valid without a special person to share all the full list described above.
JRLawrence's Avatar
I struggle with the finer things in life. I can afford them, but find it attracts unwanted attention.

I used to live in one of the nicest neighborhoods in my area. In the three years I lived in that neighborhood my car was stolen once, knocked out the rear window four times (stole the stock stereo 2X), the change out of the console, and a few dress shirts out of my car.

Upon buying the Lexus, someone keyed the car, and then when parked in a parking lot at the mall someone sideswiped the car causing 2600$ in damages.

I since have moved to lower middle income neighborhood, drive a Prius and haven't had a problem with theft in the past 7 years.

Luxury items are super nice but also attract a lot of unwanted attention. Originally Posted by Fizley

A few decades ago a survey was made about what type of car a millionaire drove. The results were not as expected: almost none drove the most expensive car, that was for the showoff guys and girls.

The millionaire drove a functional, and practical car: at that time it was the Buick. Most did not live inn the most expensive house.

This was a surprise because to be a millionaire literally means you can go out and borrow a million dollars, and not really own anything.

For example, I just bought a business building from the landlord that once rented the property. The building is now an asset, so I now have a higher net worth: but, I still have to pay for the building that I once rented. The net worth includes what we paid as a down payment plus the amount the bank loaned us to purchase the building. The net worth went up, but the amount owed when way up too. The rent now mainly goes for taxes and interest on the loan. Who really owns the property, the bank. We own the building so we are not going to kick ourselves out, and as long as the bank gets paid: they are happy.
FightFan's Avatar
Health and happiness . Without those assets , life is troublesome .

Without health and happiness. Money and possessions have little value .