If I may share something with all the ladies and gents in here

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Long post, but very valuable information for all of us, even mothers and fathers.

We all get older and with older age comes the body breaking down. It starts at 50 when a person goes to bifocals and goes downhill from there. Lately something came up in my blood work that wasn't critical or anything, but it may not be a nuisance either. So I didn't like my blood work and doing some google searches found out that certain medicines may be causing me to be dehydrated which would mess up my kidney function blood work.

So I got off this med and wanted to see another copy of updated blood work, but insurance only allows so many trips to the lab to get some blood work done. So if I wanted it done, I would have to pay out of pocket. I had no idea who would do this or how much it would cost. None.

So I go to the quest diagnostic website and find out I can get one urine test and two blood work results for $105 and they would draw the blood there. Not bad, and Dr. Dear John orders the blood work and an appointment.

While there one of the vampires (lab techs) tells me about a web site called jasonhealth.com. For $23, yes twenty three dollars, I can have a full kidney test with urine and about 10 other blood results that I ordered myself. Nothing to it, just have an appointment date and time through either quest or labcorp. There is no difference between me or my doctor ordering the tests. The results are usually online within around 30 hours, and since there is no doctor giving the tests, the results don't go to the doctor and have the doctor view them, then send the results. The tests ordered by a doctor don't have priority in getting the results versus results through jasonhealth.

If you have any idea of getting blood work done, just go to the website and type in what kind of test you need. No insurance needed, all these prices are out of pocket. For the gentlemen a prostrate test is 15 dollars, plus I think a 20 dollar fee to the lab. For the ladies a pregnancy test is around 20 plus lab fee. I do think a STD panel is around 100 dollars. For diabetics an A1C test is 15 dollars plus the 20 lab fee.

Here is an example of a standard lipid test. Cost 10 plus 20 lab fee and covers all of this.

Clinical significance: The Lipid Panel, Standard measures serum cholesterol and triglyceride (TG) levels; it includes evaluation of the cholesterol/HDL-C ratio (calculated), HDL-C, LDL-C (calculated), non-HDL-C (calculated), total cholesterol, and TG. Comprehensive lipid assessment aids in the evaluation of cardiovascular risk and the likelihood of suffering an ischemic event. It is also useful for the prevention and management of atherosclerotic disease, as well as the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome [1]. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the United States

These tests can be done on the down low. No doctors, nobody knows.

For those with kidney issues, here is what 23 dollars will get you.

About Our Renal Function Panel Test

Overnight fasting is preferred for this test.
What's Included

  • Glucose (Glucose)
  • Urea Nitrogen (BUN) (Urea nitrogen)
  • Creatinine (Creatinine)
  • eGFR Non-Afr. American (Glomerular filtration rate/1.73 sq M.predicted)
  • eGFR African American (Glomerular filtration rate/1.73 sq M.predicted.black)
  • BUN/Creatinine Ratio (Urea nitrogen/Creatinine)
  • Sodium (Sodium)
  • Potassium (Potassium)
  • Chloride (Chloride)
  • Carbon Dioxide (Carbon dioxide)
  • Calcium (Calcium)
  • Phosphate (as Phosphorus) (Phosphate)
  • Albumin (Albumin)
I hope at the end of the day this post will be perceived as being valuable and help out some mom or dad without insurance or bad insurance to keep a good eye on their health. Maybe your child can benefit from this. It was posted with nothing but the best of intentions. Just remember that blood work can be great one day and poor the next and blood work, for the most part, isn't an absolute, but it sure can tell you things about your body.

Hopefully my two best friends pitroom and pxmcc can also be helped by this post.
Cendell M's Avatar
Sorry to hear about your blood work. I just got all mine done my cholesterol STI screening but I have insurance so that helps me out.

I’ve got three different. Doctors I have my primary Doctor Who gives me my medicine and Cortisone shots in my knee , I got my OB/GYN who does my screenings and I got a doctor for mammograms.a lot to do. I’ve Gotten everything out of the way but mammogram that will be January it sux for someone without insurance and have to pay for these kind of things. But thank you for the information anyways, it’s gonna be very useful for someone.
You are my dear friend Sir. It's just currently all of the blood from my brain has rushed to my penis and I'm trying to convince someone to risk their lives and freeze to come see me because I want some companionship. So please understand it if I didn't read most of your post. But hey you know you are my bestie....
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Aww, Pit is so sweet....
And entertaining.

Here's my cholesterol report:
GP: Still using your outdoor grills I see....
Me: Yup, did I tell you ...
GP: Yes the cattle story, the deer story...
Cendell M's Avatar
UC gots jokes lately lol
50....hell 30 years in powerline construction ive been going down the last 7 years for sure(47) blood work..cholesterol is high(meds make me feel like ive been beat up) finally got them rite....thyroid aint acting rite(getting closer to rite) my happy pill(either i get hard and cant cum or i cum realllly fast lol and cant again)
  • pxmcc
  • 12-28-2022, 08:59 PM
Thanks for the shoutout Dear_John.

I feel ya about getting older and things not working exactly the way they did when you're 18. Been there done that.

I'm going to try to explain what worked (and works) for me in 50 words or less, hopefully lol.

I had a visit similar to yours' where my primary doc gave me a speech. "Your blood pressure, your triglycerides, your LDL, yada yada are too high, your hdl is too low, yada yada." So i asked what my BP was and he said it was 160/120, and i should consider beta blockers. Well i took medical pharmacology in grad school, and i was well aware of what a clusterfuck beta blockers are with all their side effects, sexual performance included. so i said to myself, ya fuck that.

and what happened next was multifaceted. i decided to take charge of my own health. i bought a blood pressure kit. and i started to experinent. i cut back to one meal a day, or 1 meal every other day if the meal was high carbs. i started to do 40 miles a day cycling minimum or its equivalent. and i kind of divorced myself from the American medical establishment. medical care here costs too much, its not holistic, and it's run by for-profit wall street firms that could give zero fucks about patients. i started ordering my meds directly from india. and all that was a game changer. i dropped 15 pounds, got my BP down to 110/70, got my libido back that was off the charts, and totally rebooted everything. So I guess my idea is reboot everything and question everything. sometimes going off the main trail, you make new discoveries that are way better.

p.s. i'm on round 3 with my utr today lol. so the new program works, at least. i'd bring her with me to vegas, but with rory's bankrolls, we both kinda agreed it wasn't smart.
Surprised you only lost 15 pounds a day. Going down to only one meal allows your metabolism to digest all food into energy and not fat storage. Congratulations as you will never be fat or poor health again if you stick to it.
Italia DiBella's Avatar
I can help ya with holistic suggestions no meds at all needed but I'm not a Doc and don't claim to be.

I have experience in a lot of holistic and plant research with results

PM anytime
Michael8219's Avatar
@pxmcc: assume one meal a day is lunch? Or breakfast?

Any liquid nourishment like a smoothie or ensure?
Michael8219's Avatar
Double post
Great information
Surprised you only lost 15 pounds a day. Originally Posted by michaelrayab
15 pounds in one day? Huh what?
  • pxmcc
  • 01-01-2023, 04:17 AM
@pxmcc: assume one meal a day is lunch? Or breakfast?

Any liquid nourishment like a smoothie or ensure? Originally Posted by Michael8219
this sounds funny, but if I was planning to eat 10 or more ghost chilies, then it was breakfast. (those who eat crazy spices probably know why.) otherwise, it was dinner.

first week was God awful lol, but after that was great. no smoothies, just water and vitamins.
  • pxmcc
  • 01-01-2023, 04:20 AM
15 pounds in one day? Huh what? Originally Posted by Bowser98
15 pounds since starting the program, beginning of last summer. now my weight is stable and slowly reducing body fat percentage.