Coping with covid

badgrrlbrenda's Avatar
At the beginning of the pandemmic, I had just finished up a music festival, and the work pretty much just dried up for me (I work in labor/staffing), so I went to Atlanta to relax and be with family (I didn't think this pandemic would last long).

Fast forward to three months later, I haven't seen the inside of Sam Ash, my workouts consist of loose weights I scavenged from seveal places and I haven't had physical contact with my girlfriend in months. I've tried to look at this as an opportunity to hone my crafts, create more content and expand my technical knowledge.

But the superficial things that I miss, are having an emotional impact on me. I know they shouldn't, because they're superificial, but they are. I miss working (what the fucc), I miss being praised for my strength, I miss wild cheering crowds, I miss the heat of Miami.

How are y'all coping?