This has been an interesting year in our little part of the board. What was the best, or worst part for you?
I brought Mr. Smith out of retirement, and that has been fun. We had a few guys really bringing in some girls and some new guys doing some good posting.
The socials were brought back and the one I attended was a good time.
We had some interesting visitors that got some lively conversation going, and one local monger who went from just being an annoying white knight to just a pain in the ass.
All in all it has been a good year, and I hope that all of the disruptions wont keep everyone here from having a good time, because that is what this is all about.
If your mom is in college help her study!
Originally Posted by Mr. Smith111
Well almost as exciting as
"Mayberry challenges
Walker Texas Ranger", drunk on warm beer was the fact that the Cowboys came and went. All from Super Bowl hopes to last place in the worst division the league has. It wasn't monger related but did create quite a bit of activity. Poor old Romo is banged up and ready for the rocking chair while Jerry Jones continues to show the world what a first class asshole he is. Certainly worthy of honorable mention.
We also added a good bit more arrogance with the unwanted advice of a few visitors that became part of the Barney Army. Roy and Jaun added a some excitement as we heard their stories and watched a few clueless members struggle with reality. His character proved that some people couldn't find saltwater in the ocean. It was fun seeing how well educated he became after only a few months onboard.
With all of this 2016 could be really interesting.