Health Warning

cptjohnstone's Avatar
I know a lot of you swinging Richards are this board 24/7 but this is what happened to me.

I am now down to one to zero pain pills a day, the biggest problem with back surgery

On Monday July 1st I had a cough that would not go away and very painful I could not find a local doctor, so I went to the emergency room and received 7.5 mg? pain pills. Blew a 92 in their air flow tester
By Thursday it was still the same and went back to get a higher dosage; blew a 82, bells and whistles go off, they give me a cat scan and I have two blood clots in my lungs. I tell the doctor that I was totally unprepared to check in that night, could I check in the morning. He said I could be dead by then
They gave me some morphine and that helped. They ran all of my vitals including a blood test and guess what, I also have phenomena. They have this device that you inhale air from and it really clears your lungs
I am a social smoker and have a couple of scotch’s a night to help me sleep and had 3-4 nicotine lozenges in my pocket but had not gone without a drink in 30 years. I got 3-4 hours of sleep that night.
The next day after much coffee the head nurse let everyone go home but me and said my temperature had to go down because of the phenomena. I got my mom to bring some more lozenges but still no whiskey. More vitals, more air breathing, I had 3 vials of something going into my arm and Sunday morning arrives. I breathe a 96 and the head nurses say she wants to see what happens after I walk the hall ways with one of her nurses. Thank God there were some fat ones, and then I blew a 98. It took two hours to do the paper work for a release but I finally get home around 3pm, more sleep
My 89 yo mother did not want me to spend my first night alone, so I filled a flask and went to her house because I was still very tired; thinking I would fall asleep very quickly but I did not
I had moved from Dallas 3 years ago and kept my Dallas doctor and had schedule a physical with him this week hence, no local doctor. The blood clot had developed behind my knee because of inactivity, split and went to my lungs. I sit at my desk at least ten hours a day. All of my business is over the phone or emails. I bought a 50 year old house that needs painting inside and out. I am thinking of painting the interior while awaiting phone calls and emails, to increase activity.
I have no health insurance but they said 80% could be waived if my income was low enough. Hospitals have always had a receivable problem and this way they will get some money. Think about that Obama.

Btw I had a full chest x ray and there was zero evidence that I had ever smoked
Then on July 30th I woke up to a very painful lower back, I had found a local doctor who had me go back to the emergency room where they looked at the cat scan and saw that I had detraining vertebrae. With my thin blood, I took an ambulance to Edmund where I got the last room.

The next morning, they took me to the basement where they injected a fluid into my spine and then beat it in by hand. I felt like a Mac truck had hit me but with some morphine and plenty of oxycodone I am finally feeling better

Made it to the football game by not taking any meds that were making me pee for two days

I have been sleeping in my easy chair with a pillow in the back so I am not on the board 10-12 pm anymore
Randy4Candy's Avatar

including a blood test and guess what, I also have phenomena. my temperature had to go down because of the phenomena. I got my mom to bring some more lozenges but still no whiskey. Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Nostones, I truly am sorry for your situation. But, what the f*ck is "phenomena?" Are you trying to go for "pneumonia?" Smart phone out-Aggie-ing you? Too many pain meds? Try not to mix any whiz with the meds, OK?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Nostones, I truly am sorry for your situation. But, what the f*ck is "phenomena?" Are you trying to go for "pneumonia?" Smart phone out-Aggie-ing you? Too many pain meds? Try not to mix any whiz with the meds, OK? Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
You are a low class act, Randy.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Nostones, I truly am sorry for your situation. But, what the f*ck is "phenomena?" Are you trying to go for "pneumonia?" Smart phone out-Aggie-ing you? Too many pain meds? Try not to mix any whiz with the meds, OK? Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
try this asshole

but since I know you are a lazy asshole

"Phenomena" redirects here. For other uses, see Phenomena (disambiguation).
A phenomenon (Greek: φαινόμενoν, phainomenon, from the verb φαίνειν, phainein, "to show, shine, appear, to be manifest (or manifest itself)"),[1] plural phenomena, is any observable occurrence.[2] Phenomena are often, but not always, understood as 'appearances' or 'experiences'. These are themselves sometimes understood as involving qualia.
The term came into its modern philosophical usage through Immanuel Kant, who contrasted it with the noumenon (for which he used the term Ding an sich, or "thing-in-itself"). In contrast to a phenomenon, a noumenon is not directly accessible to observation. Kant was heavily influenced by Leibniz in this part of his philosophy, in which phenomenon and noumenon serve as interrelated technical terms.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar

Venture Brothers. His name is the Phantom Limb.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
try this asshole

but since I know you are a lazy asshole

"Phenomena" redirects here. For other uses, see Phenomena (disambiguation).
A phenomenon (Greek: φαινόμενoν, phainomenon, from the verb φαίνειν, phainein, "to show, shine, appear, to be manifest (or manifest itself)"),[1] plural phenomena, is any observable occurrence.[2] Phenomena are often, but not always, understood as 'appearances' or 'experiences'. These are themselves sometimes understood as involving qualia.
The term came into its modern philosophical usage through Immanuel Kant, who contrasted it with the noumenon (for which he used the term Ding an sich, or "thing-in-itself"). In contrast to a phenomenon, a noumenon is not directly accessible to observation. Kant was heavily influenced by Leibniz in this part of his philosophy, in which phenomenon and noumenon serve as interrelated technical terms. Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
forgot, I had double phenomena
Randy4Candy's Avatar
#1. First, I would like to thank the jewrish pissant, that arbiter of "class" and all 'round suave bola, for his input.

#2. Hey, asswhole (that would be you, nostones)! Glad you're feeling better and your phenomenahazzzz are're such a fu*king agro-american. Remember, don't mix anything stronger than aspirin with the distilled hooch. I understand that it's a rare condition for you, but coherence becomes you.

Nostones, in the future, please buy a smart phone that doesn't have a land-grant kollege dickshunairy loaded on it. OK?
I know a lot of you swinging Richards are this board 24/7 but this is what happened to me.

I am now down to one to zero pain pills a day, the biggest problem with back surgery

On Monday July 1st I had a cough that would not go away and very painful I could not find a local doctor, so I went to the emergency room and received 7.5 mg? pain pills. Blew a 92 in their air flow tester
By Thursday it was still the same and went back to get a higher dosage; blew a 82, bells and whistles go off, they give me a cat scan and I have two blood clots in my lungs. I tell the doctor that I was totally unprepared to check in that night, could I check in the morning. He said I could be dead by then
They gave me some morphine and that helped. They ran all of my vitals including a blood test and guess what, I also have phenomena. They have this device that you inhale air from and it really clears your lungs
I am a social smoker and have a couple of scotch’s a night to help me sleep and had 3-4 nicotine lozenges in my pocket but had not gone without a drink in 30 years. I got 3-4 hours of sleep that night.
The next day after much coffee the head nurse let everyone go home but me and said my temperature had to go down because of the phenomena. I got my mom to bring some more lozenges but still no whiskey. More vitals, more air breathing, I had 3 vials of something going into my arm and Sunday morning arrives. I breathe a 96 and the head nurses say she wants to see what happens after I walk the hall ways with one of her nurses. Thank God there were some fat ones, and then I blew a 98. It took two hours to do the paper work for a release but I finally get home around 3pm, more sleep
My 89 yo mother did not want me to spend my first night alone, so I filled a flask and went to her house because I was still very tired; thinking I would fall asleep very quickly but I did not
I had moved from Dallas 3 years ago and kept my Dallas doctor and had schedule a physical with him this week hence, no local doctor. The blood clot had developed behind my knee because of inactivity, split and went to my lungs. I sit at my desk at least ten hours a day. All of my business is over the phone or emails. I bought a 50 year old house that needs painting inside and out. I am thinking of painting the interior while awaiting phone calls and emails, to increase activity.
I have no health insurance but they said 80% could be waived if my income was low enough. Hospitals have always had a receivable problem and this way they will get some money. Think about that Obama.

Btw I had a full chest x ray and there was zero evidence that I had ever smoked
Then on July 30th I woke up to a very painful lower back, I had found a local doctor who had me go back to the emergency room where they looked at the cat scan and saw that I had detraining vertebrae. With my thin blood, I took an ambulance to Edmund where I got the last room.

The next morning, they took me to the basement where they injected a fluid into my spine and then beat it in by hand. I felt like a Mac truck had hit me but with some morphine and plenty of oxycodone I am finally feeling better

Made it to the football game by not taking any meds that were making me pee for two days

I have been sleeping in my easy chair with a pillow in the back so I am not on the board 10-12 pm anymore Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Get to feeling better brother!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
#1. First, I would like to thank the jewrish pissant, that arbiter of "class" and all 'round suave bola, for his input.

#2. Hey, asswhole (that would be you, nostones)! Glad you're feeling better and your phenomenahazzzz are're such a fu*king agro-american. Remember, don't mix anything stronger than aspirin with the distilled hooch. I understand that it's a rare condition for you, but coherence becomes you.

Nostones, in the future, please buy a smart phone that doesn't have a land-grant kollege dickshunairy loaded on it. OK? Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
cptjohnstone's Avatar
an update

I think I said the local hospital would wave 80%, so I decided to see what the back surgery hospital would say. I called them and they call me back and said they would write off 100%

Then there is a shot I have to give myself every night and is made by E Lilly and I applied for their benefits package and got it, btw the shot is $1400 a month

who needs obamacare?