Happy Birthday to Me, Solemate62

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Well, Sobriety Birthday, age 12, October 19, 2013! An almost bizarre coincidence, were he alive, today would also be my late father's actual birthday, age 100! So many years ago - decades ago when I first started drinking, the fights we would have over it, what with him being a total non-alcohol consumer of any kind! I was a disappointment to him and I did not give a rip! He was a fool in my mind and no one was going to tell me how to live my life! When finally I saw the light and sought help and started the first day of the streak which still continues - October 19, 2001 - I was amazed at how smart my dad had become even though it took him nearly half a century to accumulate his wisdom!

To those of you who read this and you are maybe in your own sobriety streak of some length, I wish you all the best and if I can do it so can YOU! Keep fighting the good fight as I will do myself, looking forward to my 13th Birthday and more!
Congratulations on your "birthday"
Hoping you have many more.
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Just think Soulmate, you are entering sobriety puberty. You won't drink, but you will be horny as hell. My ex has 30 years in now, and she considers it her real birthday. I even get her a birthday card on Feb 11.
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Thanks, friends!