Seeking a website designer

Grace Preston's Avatar
I am looking for a website designer who is comfortable in the adult arena. One project for now, but could turn into 3 projects if we work well together.


1. Must have a portfolio of work. I'm going to want to see your skills.

2. Prefer a site that I can make simple edits to (think calendar and gallery edits) down the line without having to call upon you for simple changes

3. Probably going to want some form of blog integration into the site so that I can keep a blog.

4. NOT looking to trade service for service. There are two groups of people I prefer to simply pay rather than get into a tit for tat... that's web design and photography.

So please, throw your hat in the ring or... if any ladies have strong recommendations, please let me know. I've got about 3 months of leadtime before I need this project complete. Perhaps 4.. depending on timing.
raremonkey's Avatar
Grace Preston's Avatar
Thanks for the suggestions both via the board and via PM. I'm checking into the sources and suggestions given and making a decision. Appreciate the input!
chetmanly's Avatar
I will be more than happy to toss my proverbial hat in the ring.

You can see some some I have done at
seductivestorm's Avatar ( that one done by my co business partner) ( my own site)

And I am listed on VerifyHim under Pages

as well as on P411 under provider resources

Feel Free to Reach out.

I believe Kristen mentioned me to you on Twitter.


Twitter @supergirlstorm

(our web company)
sexyfog's Avatar
Pm me i will show you my portfolio.
All things you mentioned will be covered.

I am not a designer by trade. I have built a couple for myself and others. I have paid design firms to build sites for my businesses. Just want to share some thoughts.

1) WordPress
2) Get your own server space, not through WP.

WP has the largest market share. This means when your designer has moves to Tanzania or disappears, you can find a thousand WP people on for a hourly rate. Comes in handy if you accidentally mess up your site on your own.

WP is also the easiest of the major CMS systems to edit yourself. Joomla, the 2nd biggest CMS in market share, is not. There are 1000s of WP plug-ins at your disposal. Some of them actually work as advertised. Blog integration is a given.

If a designer tries to convince you that something else will work better for you than WordPress, it won't. Walk away. The only reason to not use WP is if you have to integrate transactional stuff inside your enterprise software.
Gotyour6's Avatar ( that one done by my co business partner) ( my own site)

And I am listed on VerifyHim under Pages

as well as on P411 under provider resources

Feel Free to Reach out.

I believe Kristen mentioned me to you on Twitter.


Twitter @supergirlstorm

(our web company) Originally Posted by seductivestorm
Do you need content? I am a web admin, so I don't do a lot of content. My day job is managing a website (large company). I do set up and the department's manage their stuff on their own. Heavy documentation and instructions are pretty much my job.