Looking to barter for a car ... not "that" kind of car ... "this" kind of car ...

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Even though I am in Houston I am posting this in a national forum since Houston is a place where many men from around the country visit often so this offer may be interesting to them as well.

I would like this car. I just noticed it the other day online, however I have already done all my shopping for my little one and can't see myself spending another $400 for a Christmas present, but in the same breath I say to myself, "what if these are all gone in a few months when I am ready to purchase one for him???"

So .... I have given it some thought and I would like to barter 4 hours of my time for "1" of these cars.

That would mean each hour would only be $94.50 ($378/4 = $94.50).
You can use all 4 hours at one time or you can split them up and use them 1 hour at a time. Your choice.
Each hour will include a neck and back massage (I am a LMT so it is a legit massage) plus CBJ, CFS, Greek & MSOG.
Yes, you get all those letters in the alphabet for a meer $94.50 an hour ...
My normal rate for an hour with these services is $300, so I don't have to tell you what a great deal this is ...

I only have 2 requests:
1. That you use all 4 of these appointments within 2 years.
(If that is impossible for you, let me know, I am easy going and happy to work with you).

2. That you come to my location (I only do incalls, that is my reason for this request).
I have a private incall in Downtown Houston (77002) that is set up as you would expect from a 4/5 star hotel.

As you can see I've been on the board for almost 7 years and was on ASPD prior to this. I have never changed my name nor had to run from my past.
My integrity is second to none. I actually own a small car wash in Houston that I was able to start in part with a loan a client gave me for $15k which I have paid back in full.

I love my job, my reputation and the trust members of this board and community in general have in me. I would never risk any of those things.

If you are interested please PM me ASAP. Of course I am only looking for 1 car so this offer is only good for 1 person.
You can purchase the car directly from Summitt (you can pick the color, I love silver but I think my son likes blue or red more, however when you get a Shelby, the color is not really a big deal (lol) so you are welcome to pick your favorite!) and ship it to my incall.
This offer is only going to be good for 10 days or so because it must be here before Christmas.

So excited to see if this will end up working out!

All the best,

shelby.jpg shelby1.jpg


Amber Does's Avatar
I want one of these cars too!! I love Mustangs, wish they had a foxbody!
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Someone took me up on my offer and the car has been ordered.

I was pretty shocked with the amount of inquries I received. Since this was basically a "prepay" type situation I didn't think it would appeal to alot of people however I guess I was wrong. Thank you to everyone that considered putting their trust in me and a BIG THANK YOU to the gent that placed the order. No doubt I will have countless hours of fun with my son and create some life long memories! I am so appericative!
200K's Avatar
  • 200K
  • 12-10-2016, 08:43 AM
Brooke, I'm glad that somebody took you up on this deal!
Many guys on here do care about the ladies, and know that you all have families to make happy for Christmas also.
A barter like this isn't so much like a prepaid visit, but more like a favor.
Nice...Hopefully this barter plays out as flawlessly as mine have in the past.
Guest072118's Avatar

I like the barter system and its worked well for a few of my business ventures.
Gotyour6's Avatar

Wait for radio silence when it comes time for him to collect.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Nice car.