Anyone tried to contact

Rollypolly's Avatar
milo6969's Avatar
That’s exactly what I thought
STG IMO is a roll of the dice. Occasionally one will find a diamond but I most often
just pass on those ladies. Speaking from my own experience.
MJewel's Avatar
So she’s kinda chubby… for being so young? Is that what men like? If so I can eat an gain weight…. or are there donations cheap on STG???
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 11-29-2022, 11:28 PM
So she’s kinda chubby… for being so young? Is that what men like? If so I can eat an gain weight…. or are there donations cheap on STG??? Originally Posted by MJewel

I have no idea if she's real or what her rates are but I can see the appeal. She has a cutie pie face matched with the baby fat body. That's hot.
MJewel's Avatar
Right? But what happens when she’s my age? I was skinny skinny at her age with a hollow leg. I could eat what ever I want. I still do. But workout 3 hours a week. If she worked out she could be drop dead gorgeous!!!!
So she’s kinda chubby… for being so young? Is that what men like? If so I can eat an gain weight…. or are there donations cheap on STG??? Originally Posted by MJewel
That's kinda rude for you to say that about her. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want her to make comments like that about you.
MJewel's Avatar
That's kinda rude for you to say that about her. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want her to make comments like that about you. Originally Posted by Baconman
Baconman the king of rude lol. I’m not being rude. Wanted to know if that’s what the average client likes. She’s not on eccie. The original poster is not even certain she’s real. If a woman Is going to be in this biz. You gotta take care of the bod. Workout-watch your weight depending on your height etc.
Right? But what happens when she’s my age? I was skinny skinny at her age with a hollow leg. I could eat what ever I want. I still do. But workout 3 hours a week. If she worked out she could be drop dead gorgeous!!!! Originally Posted by MJewel
There are some men who find her current state drop dead gorgeous. I'm not one of them as I prefer athletic women and think you're drop dead gorgeous, but to each their own.

I do think rate plays a part. She won't demand half your rate, and sometimes a guy just needs a cheap thrill.
  • Sandy
  • 11-30-2022, 10:54 AM
That's kinda rude for you to say that about her. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want her to make comments like that about you. Originally Posted by Baconman
This is the second thread she has body shamed another woman.
But to be fair, she is friends with the shame queen.
This is the second thread she has body shamed another woman.
But to be fair, she is friends with the shame queen. Originally Posted by Sandy
That's funny I was just gonna suggest that since she is giving advice. Maybe she ought to open up a place called Macey's Playhouse. She can take the experience at Pink Dollhouse and go from there.
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MJewel's Avatar
That's funny I was just gonna suggest that since she is giving advice. Maybe she ought to open up a place called Macey's Playhouse. She can take the experience at Pink Dollhouse and go from there. Originally Posted by Baconman
I’m not friends with anyone in this business that’s female.
I’m not friends with anyone in this business that’s female. Originally Posted by MJewel
I'm sorry to hear that. I really am. I enjoy my friends who happen to be females. Don't know what I would do without them and in no hurry to find out the answer either. Hopefully we can find out if the 23 year old is real.
Fr8nk&Bnz's Avatar
Hopefully we can find out if the 23 year old is real. Originally Posted by Baconman
She has that look of a younger Jamie Marie, hope she fucks like her too.