All Veterans Will Want to Read This - How Our Obama-Feminized Military Is Now Being "Trained" to Coddle Trannies - Both Pre-Op and Post-Op!

lustylad's Avatar
Won't this do wonders for our level of military preparedness???

Fictional cases presented in “Transgender Service in the U.S. Military: An Implementation Handbook,” released Sept. 30 by the Defense Department:

1. A senior officer, Tony, is transitioning to become Tanya. The officer is about halfway through the gender transition timeline agreed upon with his military medical provider (MMP) and commander and is taking feminizing hormone therapy. The officer is aware that male standards (berthing, uniform, BCA, PRT, etc.) will still apply until his transition is complete. However, midway through hormone treatment, it becomes increasingly difficult for Tony to meet the male body composition and physical readiness standards....

Service member responsibilities
• If necessary, work with the MMP to obtain proper waiver for male physical readiness standards during the period of gender transition...

2. Lieutenant Marty changed his gender marker in the Service personnel data system from female to male after completing an approved transition plan. Lieutenant Marty has not had sex reassignment surgery as part of the transition plan and is working with his MMP on a plan to start a family. Lieutenant Marty approached his commanding officer a few weeks ago and mentioned he was pregnant.

Commander responsibilities
• Understand and be prepared to address administrative entitlements with Lieutenant Marty (i.e., maternity leave).
• Even though Lieutenant Marty has maintained female anatomy, he must be screened for pregnancy prior to deployment. If Lieutenant Marty became pregnant on deployment he will be transferred in accordance with Service policy....

3. Following her transition (which did not include any sex reassignment surgery) and gender marker change in the Service personnel data system from male to female, Petty Officer Kelleher was assigned to a Coast Guard cutter and provided quarters in female berthing. Shortly after her arrival aboard the cutter, several females in Petty Officer Kelleher’s berthing area complained to the Command Senior Chief about being uncomfortable around Petty Officer Kelleher as she still has male genitalia....

Commander responsibilities
• Prior to Petty Officer Kelleher’s arrival, ensure crew has received baseline training on policy regarding service by transgender personnel.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How can our military be expected to win a war when they are so busy being sensitive?
lustylad's Avatar
You never know when you might find yourself sharing a foxhole with Tony/Tonya or Marty/Martina! It's soooo important to be sensitive and politically correct while ducking incoming fire, especially if Tony or Marty is pregnant!
goodman0422's Avatar
I have never been so glad to be out of the military.
I cannot believe how low we have fallen.
How long until there are no standards at all?
I have never been so glad to be out of the military.
I cannot believe how low we have fallen.
How long until there are no standards at all? Originally Posted by goodman0422
Did you know during "don't ask don't tell"?