IPhone 5

bladtinzu's Avatar
Two words.. Fuck Apple!! I went and pre-ordered 10 of these worthless things for myself and the 9 working in my office. And knowing those 9 people I when ahead and got the otterbox defenders for each one. Well they came in Monday... Mass excitement abounded. I was the best boss ever. The minions even forgot to ask for a bonus this quarter. Monday was a good day..

So Today.. Wednesday... Two fucking days later. The phone girl couldn't "deal" with the black otterbox and went and bought some goddamn hello kitty case or some bullshit like that.. All I know was it was pink and had fucking cartoons all over it. Well she dropped it and yep.. Shattered screen. That was 1 down 9 to go. And this was around 8 am.

So around 10 am.. Myself and anyone semi important loaded that app "Berrymover" for $9.99 since I have used blackberry exclusively since 2006.. Well.. Yeah.. You get what you pay for. Locked up!! On every fucking phone!!! 10 down zero to go... Call to AT&Fuck me in the ass was no help. Seems Gozar the transfer master was on vacation. So I figured what the fuck I will head to the Apple Store.. OHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Talk about some useless drones. No one had a friggin' clue! So basically I have the phone chick in the front office now tasked with typing in some 900 odd contacts (and she better not loose Jennifer Pouncy's personal cell number as she is a great piece of ass either!) from the blackberry to the Iphone..

God I know RIM better come out with something new.. And soon. Apple sucks
... Mass excitement abounded. Originally Posted by bladtinzu
Sir, you could have achieved the same reaction with a box of crispy cream donuts.

I never had an Iphone. I finally upgraded to an Android when I became a provider in order to get alerts (pms, emails, website). For the longest I carried one of those old Nokia phones and I always kept a trac phone (i think I have a shoe box full of them for some reason.........).

I think I'm going to go back to the old school. This Android keeps doing weird shit.
I went to add some contact information and noticed that I have an address book full of contacts; all from my job! Everyone's email address in HR & corporate magically appeared in my phone. I contacted IT and was told that if you access WIFI in the building it may self download information. I've never in my life heard of shit like this.
Made me wonder is my phone is self uploading also...........? Thank God I don't save ho-info on my phone.

I just like being secure and private. I don't want to have to download a million apps to secure myself. If you've never read "How to be Invisible" by J. J. Luna you really need to check it out. He still believes in carrying a pager. I wish to HELL I could get one! I miss my old pager.
@ Blad- Ha... I've still got a Blackberry. The SB's have both got iPhones 4's and make fun of my Blackberry. I think I will keep using it a while longer.
LeftyFPB's Avatar
So, Blad, when it comes down to it, you'd rather have a RIM job?
bladtinzu's Avatar
RIM yes.. RIM job... Pass..

And I gave up.. Put the ones that we managed to salvage on ebay. People are insane paying $1,200 bucks for these things but hey... Profit! Seems the 64mb ones fetch more on teh secondary market but 1,200 bucks?? That is 60% profit from what AT&T charged me. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all.

And Blackberry better come out with something new and soon... These torches are on their last legs..
drsmooth1's Avatar
Thought I was the only one still using the old Blackberry. Actually I have the Iphone 4 as well and seldom use it, guess it's what I've gotten used to that's used the most.
Oh and blad, like the avatar.
I ran across this a couple of weeks ago....


I have no idea why people love the iPhone so much. I got an Android over a year ago and I've had no complaints. At least if it decides to lock up I can pop the battery out for a minute and put it back in and boot it back up. You can't do that with an CRapple iPhone.

My phone came with 8GB of memory via an SD micro card. If I want more I can stick up to a 32GB (I think) a SD Micro card in it. You can't do that with CRapple.

You do have to be more Tech literate with the Android, but hey I can deal with that. The main thing is you have to tell the Android what NOT to do. Like sync'ing contacts from Facebook, Myspace, and all that crap.

The long and short of it is... Android is a much better device than the CRapple iPhone or any of the Microsoft driven phones.

I've also heard news of RIM coming out with a new device in the near future.
TravelinTony's Avatar
I've never liked Apple and their keeping users captive.
Got a Samsung android--before Apple won their lawsuit against Samsung.
Miss my Blackberry.
drsmooth1's Avatar
Thought I was the only one still using the old Blackberry. Actually I have the Iphone 4 as well and seldom use it, guess it's what I've gotten used to that's used the most.
Oh and blad, liked the avatar. Originally Posted by drsmooth1
Whew, had to change that before someone thought I was digging the tattooed dude.
Hey how about a heads up when you're gonna change the avatar from a hot babe to anything else. lol
bladtinzu's Avatar
Whew, had to change that before someone thought I was digging the tattooed dude.
Hey how about a heads up when you're gonna change the avatar from a hot babe to anything else. lol Originally Posted by drsmooth1

Almost got ya on that one...
I had a BB for about 4 years and it worked pretty well. I have a iPhone 4S now and I have been very happy with it. I guess it all depends on how you use a phone but I have several useful apps on mine and haven't had any problems. I had an iPhone 4 before the 4S and I did have some issues with that one.