Negative Reviews

Whispers's Avatar
Ladies - How often does a guy leave a session saying he is satisfied, maybe even continuing to call or email you with no indication of having had a bad time and later you see he posted a NO recommendation on a review?

Guys - It's tough at times to be totally honest in a review. I certainly appreciate as do most when you have the testicular fortitude to honestly convey a negative experience. But do you convey it to the lady as well?

Admittedly tougher to do.....

I usually express my disappointment with the lady by simply not rescheduling. I do share the information with guys though so they can save a buck.

But Ladies..... Can you deal with the criticism if given personally?

Guys? How many can simply deliver it?

I let a girl that I saw a couple of weeks ago know yesterday when she called and wanted to know why we haven't got back together that it was simply a so/so experience and for the money I expected more. In her case.... she offered to step up her game.....
We will see...
austinkboy's Avatar
I think the reality is that more often than not, it is not a matter of disappointment, but a matter of..."I tried, it was good, but..." because of chemistry (or lack of it) I might not repeat. It goes with why do we do reviews...? Of my reviews (including short ML reviews), most of them are about great experiences that I felt were worthwhile reliving the moment. A small number was about my experience being different (good or bad) as being reported by others, and about unusual situations that was probably interesting and informative to my fellow hobbyists. The ML quick reviews tend to be negative ones that I didn't want to waste time writing a full review.

Lately, in fact since the New Year, I have not posted a review. That is because I seem to be past the "in search of" phase and am quite content with my list of very select favorites ladies, and I have already reviewed each of them more than once.

If I enjoy a session, my partner will definitely know that I enjoyed seeing her, and that I will be back. If it was not good or bad... they will know by how fast I fly out the door!
Guys - It's tough at times to be totally honest in a review. I certainly appreciate as do most when you have the testicular fortitude to honestly convey a negative experience. But do you convey it to the lady as well?
Admittedly tougher to do.....

I usually express my disappointment with the lady by simply not rescheduling. I do share the information with guys though so they can save a buck.
X 2
. Originally Posted by Whispers
I think the reality is that more often than not, it is not a matter of disappointment, but a matter of..."I tried, it was good, but..." because of chemistry (or lack of it) I might not repeat. It goes with why do we do reviews...? Of my reviews (including short ML reviews), most of them are about great experiences that I felt were worthwhile reliving the moment. The ML quick reviews tend to be negative ones that I didn't want to waste time writing a full review.
X 2
Lately, in fact since the New Year, I have not posted a review. That is because I seem to be past the "in search of" phase and am quite content with my list of very select favorites ladies, and I have already reviewed each of them more than once. Originally Posted by austinkboy
Interesting discussions of late -Ty Sir!!
Services wise, if there is something I could improve on, sure id like to know. Sometimes two people jusy dont click, cant do any thing about that. I think most guys like to try it all vs seeing the same girl every time, I know if I was a guy thats what i'd do lol
Communication is the key for me. However, I do have to feel comfortable as I would assume the provider would also. I don't enjoy it if it seems like she is treating it as a business rather than a GFE session. Chemistry, I guess would determine how good the GFE is.
Texasquest's Avatar
I usually express my disappointment with the lady by simply not rescheduling. I do share the information with guys though so they can save a buck.


I also do the same..But will also be honest if it was just a lack of Chemistry.The Honesty needs to be two sided..If its just that the SP and I were not compatable..I would let it be known that that was the Issue..and not her service...(If the service was up to par)..But If was her lack of "Whatever" then that needs to be told also...I have told SP's in the past a few non-confrotational issues i have had...IE..Incall was a lil on the messy side...or once that She would do better if she didnt wear so much perfume...but I admit I'm a chicken if it was just her overall Lack of Skills or such I would save it for the Review and pass the info along to the other gentlemen and let them decide if they want to risk it....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If it's worthy of a negative review, it's something we both know before I leave the incall.

If it's for reasons of personal chemistry, I'll keep it to myself and just not book. After all, there may be a gal or two who just isn't that titillated by me. And vice versa.

If it's because I was expecting something based on a fellow monger's reviews, I'll damned sure post a negative review, because someone was feeding me a line of bullshit convincing enough to make me take the plunge. And I'd be disappointed in both he and I.

If it was because the lady in question wasn't as advertised, as in lied about her size, age, services, etc., -- I'll also post a negative review.

Otherwise, I see no reason to pursue the issue any further. Basically because what's great for me may not be great for you, and vice versa.

I believe negative reviews serve two purposes -- 1) to inform the brotherhood of a less than expected/advertised experience and 2) to "punish" a provider for trying to pull the bullshit over our eyes.

If it falls outside of those two conditions, I say live and let live.

ON ANOTHER NOTE -- I'd be remiss if I didn't comment on your avatar Marley! CHIT, GIRL! My pants are shrinking!
snoopdogg's Avatar
Interesting question...
I personally have met two austin ladies which the session was fine....
but just the chemistry/service just wasnt up to par to what i'm used to from my ATF.

I didnt post a NO review...because i felt the session was "adequate"...but maybe i should have...maybe it'd change somethings about how they perform...

Maybe being blunt is better...but then again could that keep them from giving me good Refs...sometimes you weigh the good with the bad and just decide not to post a review.
sixxbach's Avatar
Interesting question...
I personally have met two austin ladies which the session was fine....
but just the chemistry/service just wasnt up to par to what i'm used to from my ATF.

I didnt post a NO review...because i felt the session was "adequate"...but maybe i should have...maybe it'd change somethings about how they perform...

Maybe being blunt is better...but then again could that keep them from giving me good Refs...sometimes you weigh the good with the bad and just decide not to post a review. Originally Posted by snoopdogg
Please post a review.............. or just continue being a wuss and not inform other members of a provider whose service is not up to par...


Ysssup..Hear Hear!

I am the same way...the majority of my experiences have been awesome and the ladies had adequate reviews so I did not feel the need to rehash it all. The reviews I did post were a review about bad TCB, a truly horrid experience, and another lady that wants to break in to Eccie and needed a leg up.

I read the reviews to get a general idea of what to expect...the truly bad experiences need to be exposed. As for the bad chemistry...that has happened...more than once. But, I went ahead and faked enthusiasm not to let the poor ladies feel down as it wasn't their fault. Sometimes it doesn't click and that is nobody's fault and no reason for a bad review.

I even faked an orgasm on one outing because she was having such a good time and I didn't want to cause her any upset. Guys can do it too, when CFS is involved...
derek303's Avatar
I haven't had a bad enough session here to post a no. I have had some disapointments and include that. One was the chick was hot but worn out from parting all night. I gave her a yes, but mentioned that in review. But to answer the question I don't say I'm writting a bad review to her face. With me like most, it's chemistry on how it goes. Some have been fantastic, some so-so and a few just nothing there. ML coments or chimming in on other reviews about the provider help me from others so I do my best to do the same.

ON ANOTHER NOTE -- I'd be remiss if I didn't comment on your avatar Marley! CHIT, GIRL! My pants are shrinking! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Lol. Thanks I need a new one, im tired of looking at my ass lol!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I may never tire of looking at that ass. In fact ... I'd like to wear it as a HAT!
Marley...your ass is one of a kind!

I will never tire of your avatar...or the movie that keeps playing over and over in my head.
knotty man's Avatar
Lol. Thanks I need a new one, im tired of looking at my ass lol! Originally Posted by MarleyMonroe