So what’s it like in Amp land?

slow_and_low's Avatar
So are we wearing masks the whole time? Certainly not doing the TS?

I’m thinking about waiting it out
Man, get premium access, your answers are found there
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
Do some research.
joebobh's Avatar
From what I have seen looking at the reviews of the past couple of days, masks are here to stay for a while. I may wait this one out as well.
Chung Tran's Avatar
From what I have seen looking at the reviews of the past couple of days, masks are here to stay for a while. I may wait this one out as well. Originally Posted by joebobh
maxdigital's Avatar
slow_and_low's Avatar
I did, some are vague though, like saying she wore a mask, but never said when she took it off or if she did
playerplano's Avatar
I think I’m seeing one of the Two participants needs to wear a mask . LOL some activities just cannot happen with a mask on her !