Weakened National Security - Are we setting ourselves up to lose a war

berryberry's Avatar
While China and Russia and others focus on preparing their military, under Senile Biden the focus has changed to partisan ideology which is weakening American national security.

The new WOKE armed forces has focused on things like transgender indoctrination, intentional racial divide, the Afghanistan pullout disaster, political purges, not to mention vaccine mandates

As a result, more armed forces members are leaving, disgusted with this new leadership and direction and they are struggling to recruit replacements. For example:

JUST IN: Army raises maximum bonus for new recruits to $50,000 as it struggles to lure soldiers during COVID-19 pandemic - AP

I personally have multiple relatives that are in the Armed Forces and have been disgusted with some of the recent changes. One has retired, another did not re-up.
The armed forces are a socialist jobs program where parasites proudly sign up to don a camo costume, carry out the orders of corrupt politicians and leech off the taxpayers for the rest of their lives. Less troops suckling off the taxpayers tits is a good thing.
berryberry's Avatar
The armed forces are a socialist jobs program where parasites proudly sign up to don a camo costume, carry out the orders of corrupt politicians and leech off the taxpayers for the rest of their lives. Less troops suckling off the taxpayers tits is a good thing. Originally Posted by CrispHundos
Yeah - because the put their life on the line to protect our country and are paid oh so damn well for doing so

You do realize no one joins the military to get rich?

You do realize what could happen without a strong military?

You better go back and study history
The only 3 things those welfare queens have ever protected are the corrupt politicians whose orders they happily carry out and their own greedy socialist pockets and over inflated egos. There is no nation on Earth that can successfully subjugate 100+ million armed Americans on their own soil. I have studied history, soldiers and police murdered 100 million of their own citizens in the 20th century alone.
berryberry's Avatar
The only 3 things those welfare queens have ever protected are the corrupt politicians whose orders they happily carry out and their own greedy socialist pockets and over inflated egos. There is no nation on Earth that can successfully subjugate 100+ million armed Americans on their own soil. I have studied history, soldiers and police murdered 100 million of their own citizens in the 20th century alone. Originally Posted by CrispHundos
You have studied history, yea right