When Do the Scallywags Play FTW

bruceleeroy's Avatar
Reading the reviews I have had success in South Dallas. Must the have cruised that area for months before I made a move. But I'm trying to figure out Fort Worth. What are the best times on Riverside/Lancaster/Las Vegas Trails. Love the advice on Dallas from RandomTxGuy, JustinSlayer, BLM69. Where are the FT Worth experts?
You got the areas, now just go into the liquor stores and get them off the video machines.
Although I don't pick up the street girls I spend many hours a day behind the wheel and in every part of town. The Lancaster/Riverside girls are almost always out and about if the weather is decent. If you don't see them they are either busy slobbering on some dudes dick or the cops are watching. Hell just yesterday I passed one in front of the police station on Lancaster a little ways east of Beach. She about broke her neck turning around to see if I was going to stop for her. This was midday.

Riverside is pretty good some days in terms of numbers. They can be found from Lancaster south all the way to Berry mostly.

I see a lot of girls walking Calmont/Las Vegas Trail but not many of them look to be obvious hookers. Most are just walking because their feet are the only transportation they have.

Like mentioned above pay special attention when in close proximity to the stores and the HOtels.