How often do you Hobby?

How often do you guys see providers? What percentage of your encounters are in the hobby and what percentage are civie?
Providers, although I don't expect a lot of responses, it would be interesting to hear from you too.
I have a job that a lot of people would do for recreation, but since it became my job I rarely do it just for pleasure. It would be interesting to hear providers thoughts.

(I'm sure this may have been done, but I couldn't find the thread. If so my apologies)
tbone77494's Avatar
Average twice a month. Would be more if funds/time allowed.
Average twice a month. Would be more if funds/time allowed. Originally Posted by tbone77494
That sounds like me. Once-Twice a month would do more but busy schedule and expense keep me from doing it as much as I'd like. Probably could do it more often bargain chasing, but I prefer one/ two great sessions over several rushed or unenthusiastic sessions. Plus because my schedule is pretty hectic I have to plan in advance. The build up to a session, most of the times a week + in advance, is a big part of the excitement for me.
look74's Avatar
about 2 times a month.
wildething's Avatar
Pretty much any day that I get work release from prison.
blowpop's Avatar
Once or twice a month.
About once a week with a provider new to me, and usually once a week with my favorite.
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
tk3god nice photo. is she single? at times i can go twice a week. lately too busy. SO gets frisky about once a week(the current SO) my first wife became a recurrent virgin
Once or twice per month pending time and finances
DToxxx's Avatar
More then casaul encounters but less then solo sessions with myself. When ever the mood is right. Maybe once a month?? I have more money then time, I guess thats a good problem to have.
surcher's Avatar
2 to 3 times a year on a good year. My review was the last time and I'm long overdue. Not being able to drive has almost as much to do with it as finances.
Diabolo's Avatar
2-3 per month... would do more but one of the ladies I visit puts a nice dent on my hobby budget but oh, she's so worth it!
dtymh55's Avatar
On average once a month, Sometimes more or less depending on budget work,or other priorities.
BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
Now I'm curious about the OP's job since you brought it up? When I was active, 5 or more times a week. Now I'm just an attention ho on an SOMB.
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
As long as my money permits, I have fun : )