Weightloss Idea's ......any ????????????????????

batmanx's Avatar
im in need of some weightloss, and need your Advise !!!!
any diet pills out there work, or any Dr. help
any idea's
Don't look for a simple magic cure. Eat healthy and exercise.
gigi_berry's Avatar
cowboy8055's Avatar
Increase your activity level. No diet will matter if you're not burning off more calories than you consume.
batmanx's Avatar
My people have spoken, thankyou for your advice
Ketogenic diet. Check it out. It is counterintuitive , but it works.

PS: Yes -- increase activity, but two thirds of weight loss is diet. The combination works best, but if you are going to stress one, emphasize the diet.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
chasing lady's can be a good work out. Best if they let ya get em
Amber Does's Avatar
FIT-n-FUCK with Amber♡Does
Try it sometime 😉
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Binge eating, then forced yak. Whew
Batmanx how old are you? Im about to hit 40 and I had felt like I had no energy to excercise.. I went to my doctor and had my test levels checked and wouldnt you know it I was low. Im on 1cc a week, in the gym 5 to 6 days a week and follow a meal prep proportioned diet..im down 60lbs. Not a miracle drug cause you still have to put in the work. Good luck the struggle is real
Read the book "The Zone" by Barry Sears ph.D. It works.

get on the happy juice

supply your body with vitamins and minerals it needs to heal

and do it in a way that it will actually absorb

get your gut healthy so its able to absorb anything good

get off the sugar until yor body can handle it

get off carbs

stop shoveling potato chips into your mouth
the most deaths per year in this country come from doctor prescribed medications and hospital treatments

not violent crime

they just manage symptoms in conjunction with the drug companies, don't cure much disease

if you get a broken arm or need an appendix yanked out

then by all means get your ASS to a hospital

surgeons will fix you up
No refined sugar!!! Don't eat too much bread or pasta..

I lost 65 lbs doin that plus 4xs weekly walking,stretching,moving your body..I'm 46 yrs old
batmanx's Avatar
Batmanx how old are you? Im about to hit 40 and I had felt like I had no energy to excercise.. I went to my doctor and had my test levels checked and wouldnt you know it I was low. Im on 1cc a week, in the gym 5 to 6 days a week and follow a meal prep proportioned diet..im down 60lbs. Not a miracle drug cause you still have to put in the work. Good luck the struggle is real Originally Posted by Standupinit
im 51yrs old
im gonna try bolthouse vegtable drinks, instead of big breakfast or dinner
and furthermore im gonna quit my coke habit !!!! Thats Caffiene, I drink too much coke mt. Dew. and also got to lay off the snacks, (drink more water)
..........Have anyone tried Bolthouse before ???? .
Just had my first bottle today, its not bad