Adam Shit is at it again!!

This shiftless loser NEVER showed the "evidence" he said he had fucking ages ago and now he say...Mulehead's "testimony" is going to seal the deal!! Mulehead isn't going to say ANYTHING to perjure himself...another nothing burger. Why didn't the bitch just ask him about the "documents" he had ages ago the we the "smoking gun"? Pinhead need to resign...he is an embarrassment...but then again all libs are an embarrassment.
The disgraceful libs make the job easier in 2020...can't wait!!
  • oeb11
  • 07-21-2019, 04:00 PM
Schiff and Nadler are McCarthyite Liars.
Mueller will say nothing not in the report.

They still cannot give up their fake Russian collusion narrative.
rexdutchman's Avatar
You show me your and I'll show you ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Liars and Ideeots They really think if they say something enough it will be true "I wanto Believe "
When Trump gets reelected this is the message he will give to Schiff, lol.
Chung Tran's Avatar
This shiftless loser NEVER showed the "evidence" he said he had fucking ages ago and now he say...Mulehead's "testimony" is going to seal the deal!! Originally Posted by bb1961
I'm confused.. isn't it Adam Shiff, who's a shitless loser?
I'm confused.. isn't it Adam Shiff, who's a shitless loser? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Shitless loser???????????????
Where did you get shitless loser from...reading comp is your friend.
He's a shit FILLED loser...not shitless.
With his words he shits himself every day...hence Adam Shit.
You say your confused...all on the left are.