Oh you know, just another insurrection

berryberry's Avatar
The libtards strike again - A democrat funded and incited insurrection is currently happening in Arizona.

Pro-abortion rioters in Phoenix are attempting to breach the state Capitol building while lawmakers were in session.





Getting hard to keep up with all these libtard insurrections
berryberry's Avatar
Statement from DPS:

“Troopers deployed gas outside the Senate building after protesters attempted to break the glass. The crowd then moved to the Wesley Bolin Plaza where some monuments were vandalized. Gas was deployed again to disburse the crowd.“
berryberry's Avatar
Senate immediately bails out because of ‘security situation.’ Area outside Senate filled with people protesting Roe decision. They appear to have entered building.


berryberry's Avatar
Protective fencing is being put up around the Arizona state capitol in Phoenix following an attempted storming the night prior by a pro-abortion mob wanting to shut down the voting session inside. - Watch

... No worrys - Ray Epps and his mates will no doubt
pull-down the fencing there. ... And encourage the people
protestin' to storm inside - if the doors aint opened for them.
Just like they did on 6th January.

... And then th ---- wait! ... this is a LIBERAL protest??

Then the government WON'T have Ray Epps there.
Please forget I posted.

### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
So when do these insurrection hearings occur?

Here is more video showing the mob of pro-abortion rioters trying to break inside the Arizona state capitol while it was in session on Friday night.
