The IRS told Congress on Friday that it has lost some of former employee Lois G. Lerner’s emails, including some covering communications with Democrats in Congress and with other parts of the government, according to the House’s top tax-law writer.

Rep. Dave Camp, chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, said he was stunned that it took more than a year into the investigation for the IRS to inform Congress that it didn’t have those emails.

The agency blamed a computer crash for the mishap (HAHAH AND NIXON BLAMED THE ROSE MARY WOODS REACH).

“The fact that I am just learning about this, over a year into the investigation, is completely unacceptable and now calls into question the credibility of the IRS’s response to congressional inquiries,” Mr. Camp said. “There needs to be an immediate investigation and forensic audit by Department of Justice as well as the Inspector General.”

About time we abolish the IRS !

"the rose mary woods reach"
Obama wasn't kidding when he told us "there isn't a scintilla of evidence of corruption at the IRS"...Obama obviously knew the Lerner emails were kaput !

Fuck. Obama makes the Gambino crime family look like 1st graders !
I guess we can't afford to back up the computers...
Forget abolishing the IRS, abolish the Democratic Party...has there ever been a more corrupt - incompetent president?
I heard an great quote the other day.

"President Obama is the President that Richard Nixon always wanted to be"
From an IT perspective, nearly impossible without a concerted effort. Impeach.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Refresh my memory.. what were the two key things that sank Nixon?
1) Using the IRS to target opponents
2) Suddenly missing 8 minutes of tape recorded conversations that a "staffer mistakenly erased"

Yep.. President Obama is the President that Richard Nixon tried to be.
From an IT perspective, nearly impossible without a concerted effort. Impeach. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Yep. These days gotta have a conspiracy to pull off obliteration of digital communication.

IF they can prove Obama knew/ordered it, he's toast and should be.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You have to wonder how stupid they think we are. Then you see a post by BigAssTex, AssupRidee, LittleEva, etc. then you think they may be right.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Still waiting for that post....
You have to wonder how stupid they think we are. Then you see a post by BigAssTex, AssupRidee, LittleEva, etc. then you think they may be right. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Fuck you dull knife my dog isn't in this fight. It is why you are in a tie for #1,
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Just making the point, LittleEva, that the administration is right when they think there are people stupid enough to believe them. If the shoe fits . . .
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-15-2014, 07:24 AM
Just making the point, LittleEva, that the administration is right when they think there are people stupid enough to believe them. If the shoe fits . . . Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You are surprised there are people stupid enough to believe a President, any President yet not surprised that folks might actually believe some of your nonsense!?

You asshole's sound like the Code Pink bitchs that wanted Bush impeached.

Impeach him at the polls. You had your chance in 2012.
Just making the point, LittleEva, that the administration is right when they think there are people stupid enough to believe them. If the shoe fits . . . Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Actually you were just looking for a excuse to smear shit dull knife. Scrape of your shoe.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
When you have a Congress that is complicit in the fucking of the people what can you expect.