Found guilty on ALL 34 counts!!!

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The insurrectionist treasonist and sexual absuser donald shityourpants tRump in found guilty on all 34 counts!!!

The fucking moronic maga jackasses will continue to listen to gaux and other maga news to try to cry whine and bitch that the verdict is unfair.

How many times do these maga fools continue listen to the insurrectionist treasonist traitor donald shitsyourpantstRump and his incohorent rants and the lying-ass radical far-right wing news media. They keep playing you for fools over and over again.

Great day to really make America Great Again...fuck you to tRump and all his moronic stupid-ass maga followers!!!
... Found guilty on all 34 counts - and donations to Trump
just went SKY-HIGH! ...

#### Salty
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