Why do you hobby ?

I know it sounds silly. But I was just sitting by myself and it just hit me. I couldn't find an answer. I just want to know yo uresponse.
TaeTae's Avatar
Because "Friends with benefits" never work out woman always get emotionally involved and cause drama
"Because we fear Death"
gearslut's Avatar
Bro if you can't find an answer then you either need to hobby more or just stop....
Wakeup's Avatar
What's your other handle?
SingleMaltScotch's Avatar
Because variety is the spice of life.
boardman's Avatar
What? Are you a psych student conducting an experiment?
I do it cuz I like fucking hotties with no strings.
I do it on this board cuz I like fucking with people.
DRSlut's Avatar
Ahhh... Why not hobby???
Mainly because I’m too lazy these days to actually be burdened with civilian dating rituals. I would rather look a a couple of websites, check the reviews, make a phone call and fuck an hour later. It’s the lazy man’s way to get a piece of ass.
Ur_1_only's Avatar
Because variety is the spice of life. Originally Posted by SingleMaltScotch
What a wonderful statement to describe hobby adventures!
Screen_Name's Avatar
I just want it done right. I not a teacher. I get frustrated when their skillsets are below average.
cumalot's Avatar
I love to exlpore everything before it's too late...the kink, the sex, the different women, the different positions, the escape from reality, the opportunity to be with someone that loves what they do and are damn good at it....and the snowballs
Sarunga's Avatar
I hope you know why you eat and drink.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Cause there's nothing good on tv.
LittleSpike's Avatar
I like to fuck.

I like to fuck women, who like to fuck.

Many women who like to fuck, have made a business of fucking.

Hence, I hobby.