Explain this, wait, you can't...

Tell me how we have videos of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki explosions? How did the cameras survive that blast? Also, if gravity is a thing, why can birds, planes and insects fly? How can we lift our arms and they stay up? Why isn't all of our bodies and everything else constantly stuck to the ground..
Very random I know.
pittlicker's Avatar
ben dover's Avatar
Well this is something..
Sadly I suspect that her questions are genuine.
pmdelites's Avatar
have you asked how far away from the blast those cameras were? were they of the a-bomb blasts or test explosio b s?

did you ever study negative entropy?
since gravity is a weak force (and *not* a thing), there are many actions that can limit its effects and allow all those listed actions to occur.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Tell me how we have videos of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki explosions? How did the cameras survive that blast? Also, if gravity is a thing, why can birds, planes and insects fly? How can we lift our arms and they stay up? Why isn't all of our bodies and everything else constantly stuck to the ground..
Very random I know. Originally Posted by AMAZING.ALANNAH
cause GOD made it that way, he created the electric universe.
Michael8219's Avatar
"And that's the way it is.”
Bella1982's Avatar
If gravity is a weak force then I'm also confused. Everything falls to the ground. Even the heavy stuff. But it's easy to lift our arms. It's easy to fly paper airplanes. Butterflies. This is going to make my head hurt. Lmao.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
If you understand what the airspeed velocity is of an unladen sparrow, you should be able to answer Alannah's questions.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
If you understand what the airspeed velocity is of an unladen sparrow, you should be able to answer Alannah's questions. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
African or European?!? One should question gravity because it is like the stock market. What goes up, must come down - sooner or later. EX: Her arms still aren't up. AmmIrite?
eccieuser9500's Avatar


Tell me how we have videos of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki explosions? Originally Posted by AMAZING.ALANNAH


Somebody obviously was sleeping during 6th grade science class.