Trip to Aldi's.. Quarter Sir? No Really!!

  • Sami
  • 05-28-2010, 11:34 PM
So been there before but in other states. Thought well what the hell!! Pull up seems the Quarter system is still working. So I dig in the bottom of my purse get my quarter, situated, lock up and head through the parking lot.

Getting closer to the carts and about 5 people, some getting carts, but a few returning. I look at this man and say, Sir are you finished ? I can take that off your hands. He looks at me and says I have to get my quarter back. I proceed to tell him here's my quarter.. and I will return it when I am finished Really..
I got a good laugh because with his expressions it was like I was gonna hijack that cart, push my grocery's home
Or made me think maybe he really needed his quarter ?

So maybe I should leave my cart by the gated carts so they can have my quarter, but then someone would criticize I was lazy

Whatever it may be Aldi's is still the same , and a little humor goes along way. Sometimes the littlest thing's that throw ppl off.
oralee's Avatar
Now that'sfunny!

  • Lazy
  • 05-29-2010, 04:42 PM
I am not kidding I have seen, mostly blonds, try to return a cart and try to make the latch from the cart they are using go around the handle not realizing you latch it to the cart in front. And you don't get the same Quarter at checkout your stuff is put in the cart in front of you. Was he a blond.